@article{fdi:010065480, title = {{M}apping the diversity of gender preferences and sex imbalances in {I}ndonesia in 2010}, author = {{G}uilmoto, {C}hristophe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}ndonesia is usually viewed as a country free of the acute forms of gender discrimination observed elsewhere in {E}ast or {S}outh {A}sia, a situation often ascribed to {I}ndonesia's bilateral kinship system. {I} re-examine this hypothesis by focusing on ethnic and regional variations in sex differentials. {N}ew indicators of marriage practices and gender bias derived from 2010 census microdata highlight the presence of patrilocal patterns as well as a distinct presence of son preference in fertility behaviour in many parts of the archipelago. {I} also present evidence for excessive child sex ratios and excess mortality of females in some areas that appear to be related to son preference and patrilocal residence systems. {T}he findings confirm the association between son preference, sex differentials in mortality, prenatal sex selection, and kinship systems. {I} conclude with a more regional perspective on demographic vulnerability of females, distinguishing bilateral {S}outh {E}ast {A}sia from more patrilineal {M}elanesia.}, keywords = {{I}ndonesia: {S}outh {E}ast {A}sia ; {M}elanesia ; gender discrimination ; marriage pattern ; sex differentials in mortality ; prenatal sex selection ; abortion ; {INDONESIE} ; {ASIE} {DU} {SUD} {EST} ; {MELANESIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}opulation {S}tudies}, volume = {69}, numero = {3}, pages = {299--315}, ISSN = {0032-4728}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1080/00324728.2015.1091603}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065480}, }