@article{fdi:010065470, title = {{M}acrofossil evidence of {L}ate {H}olocene presence of {A}ldrovanda vesiculosa {L}. in {C}entral-{E}astern {E}urope ({P}oland) and {E}ast {A}frica ({T}anzania)}, author = {{G}alka, {M}. and {B}ergonzini, {L}. and {W}illiamson, {D}avid and {M}ajule, {A}. and {M}asao, {C}. and {H}uguet, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}o date, the seeds of waterwheel plant ({A}ldrovanda vesiculosa) were only found in {E}urope, in sediments of the {E}emian and {M}azovian {I}nterglacials. {T}he absence of {A}. vesiculosa seeds in {E}uropean {H}olocene deposits is probably due to unfavorable climatic conditions, i.e. lower temperature, during this period: in temperate zones, {A}. vesiculosa reproduces mainly in a vegetative way; it rarely blooms and only occasionally produces seeds. {I}n this paper, subfossil seeds of {A}. vesiculosa were identified in two peat bogs: one ({S}ucha {K}obyla) in {SE} {P}oland and another one ({K}yambangunguru) in {SW} {T}anzania. {S}ingle seeds of this plant were found in a peat layer from the {P}olish site formed after 1600 {AD} as well as in sediments accumulated around 440 {AD} in the {T}anzanian one. {T}o our knowledge, this is the first time that seeds of {A}. vesiculosa are found in {H}olocene deposits in the world. {O}ur findings provide new data on the distribution of {A}. vesiculosa over the {L}ate {H}olocene.}, keywords = {{H}olocene ; {P}lant macrofossil ; {C}arnivorous plant ; {W}aterwheel plant ; {P}eat ; {POLOGNE} ; {TANZANIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Q}uaternary {I}nternational}, volume = {386}, numero = {}, pages = {186--190}, ISSN = {1040-6182}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.quaint.2015.05.058}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065470}, }