@article{fdi:010065469, title = {{M}apping landscape friction to locate isolated tsetse populations that are candidates for elimination}, author = {{B}ouyer, {J}. and {D}icko, {A}. {H}. and {C}ecchi, {G}. and {R}avel, {S}ophie and {G}uerrini, {L}. and {S}olano, {P}hilippe and {V}reysen, {M}. {J}. {B}. and {D}e {M}eeûs, {T}hierry and {L}ancelot, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}setse flies are the cyclical vectors of deadly human and animal trypanosomes in sub-{S}aharan {A}frica. {T}setse control is a key component for the integrated management of both plagues, but local eradication successes have been limited to less than 2% of the infested area. {T}his is attributed to either resurgence of residual populations that were omitted from the eradication campaign or reinvasion from neighboring infested areas. {H}ere we focused on {G}lossina palpalis gambiensis, a riverine tsetse species representing the main vector of trypanosomoses in {W}est {A}frica. {W}e mapped landscape resistance to tsetse genetic flow, hereafter referred to as friction, to identify natural barriers that isolate tsetse populations. {F}or this purpose, we fitted a statistical model of the genetic distance between 37 tsetse populations sampled in the region, using a set of remotely sensed environmental data as predictors. {T}he least-cost path between these populations was then estimated using the predicted friction map. {T}he method enabled us to avoid the subjectivity inherent in the expert-based weighting of environmental parameters. {F}inally, we identified potentially isolated clusters of {G}. p. gambiensis habitat based on a species distribution model and ranked them according to their predicted genetic distance to the main tsetse population. {T}he methodology presented here will inform the choice on the most appropriate intervention strategies to be implemented against tsetse flies in different parts of {A}frica. {I}t can also be used to control other pests and to support conservation of endangered species.}, keywords = {area-wide integrated pest management ; eradication ; vector control ; remote sensing ; resistance surface ; {AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}roceedings of the {N}ational {A}cademy of {S}ciences of the {U}nited {S}tates of {A}merica}, volume = {112}, numero = {47}, pages = {14575--14580}, ISSN = {0027-8424}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1073/pnas.1516778112}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065469}, }