@article{fdi:010065447, title = {{C}onservation of the abscission signaling peptide {IDA} during {A}ngiosperm evolution : withstanding genome duplications and gain and loss of the receptors {HAE}/{HSL}2}, author = {{S}to, {I}. {M}. and {O}rr, {R}. {J}. {S}. and {F}ooyontphanich, {K}. and {J}in, {X}. and {K}nutsen, {J}. {M}. {B}. and {F}ischer, {U}. and {T}ranbarger, {T}imothy and {N}ordal, {I}. and {A}alen, {R}. {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he peptide {INFLORESCENCE} {DEFICIENT} {IN} {ABSCISSION} ({IDA}), which signals through the leucine-rich repeat receptor like kinases {HAESA} ({HAE}) and {HAESA}-{LIKE}2 ({HSL}2), controls different cell separation events in {A}rabidopsis thaliana. {W}e hypothesize the involvement of this signaling module in abscission processes in other plant species even though they may shed other organs than {A}. thaliana. {A}s the first step toward testing this hypothesis from an evolutionarily perspective we have identified genes encoding putative orthologs of {IDA} and its receptors by {BLAST} searches of publically available protein, nucleotide and genome databases for angiosperms. {G}enes encoding {IDA} or {IDA}-{LIKE} ({IDL}) peptides and {HSL} proteins were found in all investigated species, which were selected as to represent each angiosperm order with available genomic sequences. {T}he 12 amino acids representing the bioactive peptide in {A}. thallana have virtually been unchanged throughout the evolution of the angiosperms; however, the number of {IDL} and {HSL} genes varies between different orders and species. {T}he phylogenetic analyses suggest that {IDA}, {HSL}2, and the related {HSL}1 gene, were present in the species that gave rise to the angiosperms. {HAE} has arisen from {HSL}1 after a genome duplication that took place after the monocot eudicots split. {HSL}1 has also independently been duplicated in the monocots, while {HSL}2 has been lost in gingers ({Z}ingiberales) and grasses ({P}oales). {IDA} has been duplicated in eudicots to give rise to functionally divergent {IDL} peptides. {W}e postulate that the high number of 1{DL} homologs present in the core eudicots is a result of multiple whole genome duplications ({WGD}). {W}e substantiate the involvement of {IDA} and {HAE}/{HSL}2 homologs in abscission by providing gene expression data of different organ separation events from various species.}, keywords = {{LRR}-{RLK} ; phylogeny ; genome duplication ; peptide signaling ; leaf ; abscission ; fruit abscission ; {P}opulus ; oil palm}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {P}lant {S}cience}, volume = {6}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 931 [12 p.]}, ISSN = {1664-462{X}}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.3389/fpls.2015.00931}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065447}, }