@article{fdi:010065433, title = {{I}nteractions between {H}epatitis {C} {V}irus and the human {A}polipoprotein {H} acute phase protein : a tool for a sensitive detection of the virus}, author = {{S}tefas, {I}. and {T}igrett, {S}. and {D}ubois, {G}. and {K}aiser, {M}. and {L}ucarz, {E}. and {G}obby, {D}. and {B}ray, {D}. and {E}llerbrok, {H}. and {Z}arski, {J}. {P}. and {V}eas, {F}rancisco}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {H}epatitis {C} virus ({HCV}) infection exhibits a high global prevalence frequently associated with hepatocellular carcinoma, taking years to develop. {D}espite the standardization of highly sensitive {HCV} quantitative {RT}-{PCR} (q{RT}-{PCR}) detection methods, false-negative diagnoses may be generated with current methods, mainly due to the presence of {PCR} inhibitors and/or low viral loads in the patient's sample. {T}hese false-negative diagnoses impact both public health systems, in developing countries, and an in lesser extent, in developed countries, including both the risk of virus transmission during organ transplantation and/or blood transfusion and the quality of the antiviral treatment monitoring. {T}o adopt an appropriate therapeutic strategy to improve the patient's prognosis, it is urgent to increase the {HCV} detection sensitivity. {B}ased upon previous studies on {HBV}, we worked on the capacity of the scavenger acute phase protein, {A}polipoprotein {H} ({A}po{H}) to interact with {HCV}. {U}sing different approaches, including immunoassays, antibody-inhibition, oxidation, ultracentrifugation, electron microscopy and {RT}-{PCR} analyses, we demonstrated specific interactions between {HCV} particles and {A}po{H}. {M}oreover, when using a two-step {HCV} detection process, including capture of {HCV} by {A}po{H}-coated nanomagnetic beads and a home-made real-time {HCV}-{RT}-{PCR}, we confirmed the presence of {HCV} for all samples from a clinical collection of {HCV}-seropositive patients exhibiting an {RT}-{PCR} {COBAS} ({R}) {T}aq-{M}an ({R}) {HCV} {T}est, v2.0 ({COBAS})-positive result. {I}n contrast, for {HCV}-seropositive patients with either low {HCV}-load as determined with {COBAS} or exhibiting {HCV}-negative {COBAS} results, the addition of the two-step {A}po{H}-{HCV}-capture and {HCV}-detection process was able to increase the sensitivity of {HCV} detection or more interestingly, detect in a genotype sequence-independent manner, a high-proportion (44%) of {HCV}/{RNA}-positive among the {COBAS} {HCV}-negative patients. {T}hus, the immune interaction between {A}po{H} and {HCV} could be used as a sample preparation tool to enrich and/or cleanse {HCV} patient's samples to enhance the detection sensitivity of {HCV} and therefore significantly reduce the numbers of false-negative {HCV} diagnosis results.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {O}ne}, volume = {10}, numero = {10}, pages = {e0140900 [24 p.]}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0140900}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065433}, }