@article{fdi:010065395, title = {{M}ain eddy vertical structures observed in the four major {E}astern {B}oundary {U}pwelling {S}ystems}, author = {{P}egliasco, {C}. and {C}haigneau, {A}lexis and {M}orrow, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the four major {E}astern {B}oundary {U}pwelling {S}ystems ({EBUS}), mesoscale eddies are known to modulate the biological productivity and transport near-coastal seawater properties toward the offshore ocean, however little is known about their main characteristics and vertical structure. {T}his study combines 10 years of satellite-altimetry data and {A}rgo float profiles of temperature and salinity, and our main goals are (i) to describe the main surface characteristics of long-lived eddies formed in each {EBUS} and their evolution, and (ii) to depict the main vertical structure of the eddy-types that coexist in these regions. {A} clustering analysis of the {A}rgo profiles surfacing within the long-lived eddies of each {EBUS} allows us to determine the proportion of surface and subsurface-intensified eddies in each region, and to describe their vertical structure in terms of temperature, salinity and dynamic height anomalies. {I}n the {P}eru-{C}hile {U}pwelling {S}ystem, 55% of the sampled anticyclonic eddies ({AE}s) have subsurface-intensified maximum temperature and salinity anomalies below the seasonal pycnocline, whereas 88% of the cyclonic eddies ({CE}s) are surface-intensified. {I}n the {C}alifornia {U}pwelling {S}ystem, only 30% of the {AE}s are subsurface-intensified and all of the {CE}s show maximum anomalies above the pycnocline. {I}n the {C}anary {U}pwelling {S}ystem, approximate to 40% of the {AE}s and approximate to 60% of the {CE}s are subsurface-intensified with maximum anomalies extending down to 800 m depth. {F}inally, the {B}enguela {U}pwelling {S}ystem tends to generate approximate to 40-50% of weak surface-intensified eddies and approximate to 50-60% of much stronger subsurface-intensified eddies with a clear geographical distribution. {T}he mechanisms involved in the observed eddy vertical shapes are discussed.}, keywords = {mesoscale eddies ; {E}astern {B}oundary {U}pwelling {S}ystems ; eddy vertical ; structure ; altimetry ; {A}rgo floats ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {PACIFIQUE} ; {PEROU} ; {CHILI} ; {CALIFORNIE} {COURANT} ; {CANARIES} {COURANT} ; {BENGUELA} {COURANT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch. {O}ceans}, volume = {120}, numero = {9}, pages = {6008--6033}, ISSN = {2169-9275}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1002/2015jc010950}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065395}, }