@article{fdi:010065373, title = {{P}redictive modelling of habitat selection by marine predators with respect to the abundance and depth distribution of pelagic prey}, author = {{B}oyd, {C}. and {C}astillo, {R}. and {H}unt, {G}. {L}. and {P}unt, {A}. {E}. and {V}an{B}laricom, {G}. {R}. and {W}eimerskirch, {H}. and {B}ertrand, {S}ophie}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{U}nderstanding the ecological processes that underpin species distribution patterns is a fundamental goal in spatial ecology. {H}owever, developing predictive models of habitat use is challenging for species that forage in marine environments, as both predators and prey are often highly mobile and difficult to monitor. {C}onsequently, few studies have developed resource selection functions for marine predators based directly on the abundance and distribution of their prey. {W}e analysed contemporaneous data on the diving locations of two seabird species, the shallow-diving {P}eruvian {B}ooby ({S}ula variegata) and deeper diving {G}uanay {C}ormorant ({P}halacrocorax bougainvilliorum), and the abundance and depth distribution of their main prey, {P}eruvian anchoveta ({E}ngraulis ringens). {B}ased on this unique data set, we developed resource selection functions to test the hypothesis that the probability of seabird diving behaviour at a given location is a function of the relative abundance of prey in the upper water column. {F}or both species, we show that the probability of diving behaviour is mostly explained by the distribution of prey at shallow depths. {W}hile the probability of diving behaviour increases sharply with prey abundance at relatively low levels of abundance, support for including abundance in addition to the depth distribution of prey is weak, suggesting that prey abundance was not a major factor determining the location of diving behaviour during the study period. {T}he study thus highlights the importance of the depth distribution of prey for two species of seabird with different diving capabilities. {T}he results complement previous research that points towards the importance of oceanographic processes that enhance the accessibility of prey to seabirds. {T}he implications are that locations where prey is predictably found at accessible depths may be more important for surface foragers, such as seabirds, than locations where prey is predictably abundant. {A}nalysis of the relative importance of abundance and accessibility is essential for the design and evaluation of effective management responses to reduced prey availability for seabirds and other top predators in marine systems.}, keywords = {central place foragers ; foraging ecology ; habitat use ; {H}umboldt {C}urrent ; {S}ystem ; predator-prey interactions ; spatial distribution ; {PEROU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}nimal {E}cology}, volume = {84}, numero = {6}, pages = {1575--1588}, ISSN = {0021-8790}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1111/1365-2656.12409}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065373}, }