@article{fdi:010065363, title = {{R}oot-zone soil moisture estimation from assimilation of downscaled {S}oil {M}oisture and {O}cean {S}alinity data}, author = {{D}umedah, {G}. and {W}alker, {J}. {P}. and {M}erlin, {O}livier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he crucial role of root-zone soil moisture is widely recognized in land-atmosphere interaction, with direct practical use in hydrology, agriculture and meteorology. {B}ut it is difficult to estimate the root-zone soil moisture accurately because of its space-time variability and its nonlinear relationship with surface soil moisture. {T}ypically, direct satellite observations at the surface are extended to estimate the root-zone soil moisture through data assimilation. {B}ut the results suffer from low spatial resolution of the satellite observation. {W}hile advances have been made recently to downscale the satellite soil moisture from {S}oil {M}oisture and {O}cean {S}alinity ({SMOS}) mission using methods such as the {D}isaggregation based on {P}hysical {A}nd {T}heoretical scale {C}hange ({D}is{PATC}h), the assimilation of such data into high spatial resolution land surface models has not been examined to estimate the root-zone soil moisture. {C}onsequently, this study assimilates the 1-km {D}is{PATC}h surface soil moisture into the {J}oint {UK} {L}and {E}nvironment {S}imulator ({JULES}) to better estimate the root-zone soil moisture. {T}he assimilation is demonstrated using the advanced {E}volutionary {D}ata {A}ssimilation ({EDA}) procedure for the {Y}anco area in south eastern {A}ustralia. {W}hen evaluated using in-situ {O}z{N}et soil moisture, the open loop was found to be 95% as accurate as the updated output, with the updated estimate improving the {D}is{PATC}h data by 14%, all based on the root mean square error ({RMSE}). {E}valuation of the root-zone soil moisture with in-situ {O}z{N}et data found the updated output to improve the open loop estimate by 34% for the 0-30 cm soil depth, 59% for the 30-60 cm soil depth, and 63% for the 60-90 cm soil depth, based on {RMSE}. {T}he increased performance of the updated output over the open loop estimate is associated with (i) consistent estimation accuracy across the three soil depths for the updated output, and (ii) the deterioration of the open loop output for deeper soil depths. {T}hus, the findings point to a combined positive impact from the {D}is{PATC}h data and the {EDA} procedure, which together provide an improved soil moisture with consistent accuracy both at the surface and at the root-zone. {C}rown {C}opyright ({C}) 2015 {P}ublished by {E}lsevier {L}td. {A}ll rights reserved.}, keywords = {{R}oot-zone soil moisture ; {SMOS} ; {D}is{PATC}h ; {D}ata assimilation ; {E}volutionary strategy ; {AUSTRALIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}dvances in {W}ater {R}esources}, volume = {84}, numero = {}, pages = {14--22}, ISSN = {0309-1708}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.07.021}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065363}, }