@article{fdi:010065357, title = {{P}aleo- to {M}esoarchean {TTG} accretion and continental growth in the western {D}harwar craton, {S}outhern {I}ndia : constraints from {SHRIMP} {U}-{P}b zircon geochronology, whole-rock geochemistry and {N}d-{S}r isotopes}, author = {{J}ayananda, {M}. and {C}hardon, {D}ominique and {P}eucat, {J}. {J}. and {T}ushipokla, and {F}anning, {C}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} multidisciplinary study involving field, petrographic, {SHRIMP} {U}-{P}b zircon/titanite ages, whole rock geochemical and {N}d-{S}r isotope data is presented for the {P}eninsular {G}neisses and associated plutons forming core of the {D}harwar craton. {T}wo major periods (3350-3280 {M}a and 3230-3200 {M}a) of crustal growth through {TTG} accretion sub-contemporaneous with greenstone volcanism are documented. {E}lemental and {N}d-{S}r isotope data suggest that the {TTG}s originated by low and high pressure melting of heterogeneous mafic sources (thickened island arc or oceanic plateau crust) at different depths. {A}mong the early accreted {TTG}s, magmatic protoliths of low-{A}l gneisses formed by low-pressure (10-12 kbar) melting of a depleted mafic source at shallow levels (island arc type crust) with plagioclase + amphibole +/- ilmenite in the residue, whilst high-{A}l gneisses were probably produced by high pressure melting (14-18 kbar) of a chondritic or a less depleted mafic source with garnet +/- amphibole +/- pyroxene + ilmenite in the residue (base of {I}sland arc crust or thickened oceanic plateau). {T}he 3230-3200 {M}a trondhjemitic plutons marking the second accretion event derived by higher pressure (14-16 kbar) melting of a mafic source (island arc type crust with garnet +/- plagiocalse +/- hornblende + ilmenite) with a minor involvement of previously accreted {TTG}s. {T}his plutonism was coeval with a major phase of crustal-scale diapiric overturn that had a major imprint on crustal reworking. {A} later magmatic episode at ca. 3100 {M}a produced granitic plutons derived from crustal melting and leucocratic gneisses derived from a depleted mafic source in the lower crust. {D}ocumentation of depleted shallow and deep mantle reservoirs during 3350-3280 {M}a magmatism implies massive differentiation of the mantle during an earlier episode of crust formation around 3800-600 {M}a, as substantiated by {N}d model ages and published {P}b-isotope data, as well as {U}-{P}b detrital zircon ages with in situ {H}f isotope data.}, keywords = {{A}rchean {TTG} ; {D}harwar craton ; {SHRIMP} {U}-{P}b zircon ages ; {N}d-{S}r isotopes ; {W}hole rock geochemistry ; {C}ontinental growth ; {INDE} {DU} {SUD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}recambrian {R}esearch}, volume = {268}, numero = {}, pages = {295--322}, ISSN = {0301-9268}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.precamres.2015.07.015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065357}, }