@article{fdi:010065335, title = {{I}mpacts of {DEM} resolution, source, and resampling technique on {SWAT}-simulated streamflow}, author = {{T}an, {M}. {L}. and {F}icklin, {D}. {L}. and {D}ixon, {B}. and {I}brahim, {A}. {L}. and {Y}usop, {Z}. and {C}haplot, {V}incent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he sensitivity of streamflow simulated with the {S}oil and {W}ater {A}ssessment {T}ool ({SWAT}) model to {D}igital {E}levation {M}odel ({DEM}) resolution, {DEM} source and {DEM} resampling technique is still poorly understood. {T}he objective of this study is to compare {SWAT} model streamflow estimates in the {J}ohor {R}iver {B}asin {ORB}), {M}alaysia for {DEM}s differing in resolution (from 20 to 1500 m), sources ({S}huttle {R}adar {T}opography {M}ission: {SRTM} v4.1, {A}dvanced {S}pace-borne {T}hermal {E}mission and {R}eflection {R}adiometer: {ASTER} {GDEM}2, {E}arth{E}nv-{DEM}90 and {G}lobal {M}ulti-resolution {T}errain {E}levation {D}ata 2010: {GMTED}2010) and resampling technique (nearest neighbour, bilinear interpolation, cubic convolution and majority). {T}he key findings were as follows: (1) {SRTM} v4.1 ({R}oot {M}ean {S}quare {E}rror ({RMSE}) = 11.16 m) and {E}arth{E}nv-{DEM}90 ({RMSE} 12.4 m) had better vertical accuracy over the {JRB} compared to the {ASTER} {GDEM}2 ({RMSE} = 16.95 m); (2) {A}ccurate annual streamflow simulations were obtained by using nearly all of the {DEM} resolutions, as pointed out by a relative error ({RE}) lower than 7% from 20 to 50 m and from 100 to 800 m {DEM}s; (3) {P}rediction errors were the lowest for {ASTER} {GDEM}2 ({RE} = 3.9%), followed by {SRTM} v4.1 ({RE} = 5.4%), {E}arth{E}nv-{DEM}90 ({RE} = 6.3%), and {GMTED}2010 ({RE} = 7.3%); (4) the majority and nearest neighbour resampling techniques performed the best ({RE} of 6.0%), followed by bilinear interpolation ({RE} of 7.2%) and cubic convolution (7.5%). {T}he study indicates that {DEM} resolution is the most sensitive {SWAT} model {DEM} parameter compared to {DEM} source and {DEM} resampling technique for streamflow simulation within {SWAT}.}, keywords = {{OEM} ; {SWAT} model ; {ASTER} ; {SRTM} ; {H}ydrology ; {S}ensitivity analysis ; {MALAISIE} ; {JOHOR} {RIVIERE} {BASSIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}pplied {G}eography}, volume = {63}, numero = {}, pages = {357--368}, ISSN = {0143-6228}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.apgeog.2015.07.014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065335}, }