@article{fdi:010065290, title = {{I}sland specificities matter : cat diet differs significantly between islands of a major breeding archipelago for a vulnerable endemic seabird}, author = {{B}onnaud, {E}. and {P}almas, {P}. and {B}ourgeois, {K}. and {O}llier, {S}. and {Z}arzoso-{L}acoste, {D}. and {V}idal, {E}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}omestic cats are one of the most widespread predators on islands worldwide and are responsible for numerous reductions and extinctions of species on islands. {T}he three main islands of the {H}y{S}res {A}rchipelago house one of the largest colonies of the {M}editerranean endemic {Y}elkouan shearwater {P}uffinus yelkouan that has recently been up-listed by the {IUCN} to 'vulnerable'. {T}he main objectives of this study were to assess the diet of cats and to study the effect of cat predation on {Y}elkouan shearwater populations at the archipelago scale. {T}he diet of cats was studied using scat analyses according to years and seasons for each island. {S}imultaneously, {Y}elkouan shearwater breeding success was monitored during a period of 8 years on {P}ort-{C}ros and {P}orquerolles, and 3 years on {L}e {L}evant. {D}escriptive analyses and {GLM} were used to compare data gathered on each island. {A}t the archipelago scale, cats preyed strongly upon introduced mammals and shearwaters. {S}urprisingly, large differences appeared in cats' diet according to the island considered. {T}he {Y}elkouan shearwater was the primary prey of cats on {L}e {L}evant, but secondary on {P}ort-{C}ros and {P}orquerolles. {C}at predation was mainly concentrated during the shearwater prospecting period, when birds arrive at the colonies and look for a mate (if they are not already paired) and a burrow before breeding. {C}onsequently cat impact was low on shearwater breeding success. {H}owever, this study demonstrates that the cat management conducted on {P}ort-{C}ros was positive for fledging success. {T}he successful cat eradication on {P}ort-{C}ros supports the need to continue working for {Y}elkouan shearwater conservation with {L}e {L}evant as a priority, because this is where the colonies are largest and predation on {Y}elkouan shearwaters is very high.}, keywords = {{T}rophic behavior ; {I}nvasive species ; {I}sland ecosystems ; {Y}elkouan ; shearwater ; {F}eral cat ; {M}editerranean archipelago ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {FRANCE} ; {PORT} {CROS} ; {PORQUEROLLES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iological {I}nvasions}, volume = {17}, numero = {10}, pages = {2927--2941}, ISSN = {1387-3547}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s10530-015-0921-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065290}, }