@article{fdi:010065286, title = {{E}ctomycorrhizal fungal communities of {C}occoloba uvifera ({L}.) {L}. mature trees and seedlings in the neotropical coastal forests of {G}uadeloupe ({L}esser {A}ntilles)}, author = {{S}{\'e}ne, {S}. and {A}vril, {R}. and {C}haintreuil, {C}l{\'e}mence and {G}eoffroy, {A}. and {N}diaye, {C}. and {D}iedhiou, {A}. {G}. and {S}adio, {O}. and {C}ourtecuisse, {R}. and {S}ylla, {S}. and {S}elosse, {M}. {A}. and {B}รข, {A}madou}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e studied belowground and aboveground diversity and distribution of ectomycorrhizal ({EM}) fungal species colonizing {C}occoloba uvifera ({L}.) {L}. (seagrape) mature trees and seedlings naturally regenerating in four littoral forests of the {G}uadeloupe island ({L}esser {A}ntilles). {W}e collected 546 sporocarps, 49 sclerotia, and morphotyped 26,722 root tips from mature trees and seedlings. {S}even {EM} fungal species only were recovered among sporocarps ({C}antharellus cinnabarinus, {A}manita arenicola, {R}ussula cremeolilacina, {I}nocybe littoralis, {I}nocybe xerophytica, {M}elanogaster sp., and {S}cleroderma bermudense) and one {EM} fungal species from sclerotia ({C}enococcum geophilum). {A}fter internal transcribed spacer ({ITS}) sequencing, the {EM} root tips fell into 15 {EM} fungal taxa including 14 basidiomycetes and 1 ascomycete identified. {S}porocarp survey only weakly reflected belowground assessment of the {EM} fungal community, although 5 fruiting species were found on roots. {S}eagrape seedlings and mature trees had very similar communities of {EM} fungi, dominated by {S}. bermudense, {R}. cremeolilacina, and two {T}helephoraceae: shared species represented 93 % of the taxonomic {EM} fungal diversity and 74 % of the sampled {EM} root tips. {F}urthermore, some significant differences were observed between the frequencies of {EM} fungal taxa on mature trees and seedlings. {T}he {EM} fungal community composition also varied between the four investigated sites. {W}e discuss the reasons for such a species-poor community and the possible role of common mycorrhizal networks linking seagrape seedlings and mature trees in regeneration of coastal forests.}, keywords = {{C}ommon mycorrhizal network ; {F}ungal species richness ; {ITS} sequencing ; {R}egeneration ; {S}eagrape coastal forests ; {GUADELOUPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}ycorrhiza}, volume = {25}, numero = {7}, pages = {547--559}, ISSN = {0940-6360}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s00572-015-0633-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065286}, }