@article{fdi:010065150, title = {{H}eavy metals in ancient tropical ice : initial results}, author = {{F}errari, {C}.{P}. and {C}lotteau, {T}. and {T}hompson, {L}.{G}. and {B}arbante, {C}. and {C}ozzi, {G}. and {C}escon, {P}. and {H}ong, {S}. and {M}aurice, {L}aurence and {F}rancou, {B}ernard and {B}outron, {C}.{F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}lthough a wealth of fascinating data have been obtained through the investigation of heavy metals in {G}reenland, {A}ntarctic and {A}lpine snow and ice cores, heavy metals have until now never been measured in tropical snow and ice cores despite the great interest of such low latitude cores. {W}e present here preliminary data on the occurrence of {A}l, {N}a, {T}i, {V}, {C}r, {M}n, {C}o, {C}u, {Z}n, {M}o, {P}d, {A}g, {C}d, {S}b, {B}a, {P}t, {A}u, {P}b, {B}i and {U} in a dated ice core drilled at an altitude of 6542 m on the top of {S}ajama in {B}olivia. {T}hese data were obtained by analysing four core sections dated 22,000 {BP} ({L}ast {G}lacial {M}aximum, {LGM}), 8000 {BP} (early {H}olocene, {EH}), {AD}1650 and {AD} 1897, using ultrasensitive {ICP}-{SF}-{MS}. {C}oncentrations observed in {LGM} ice are similar to those measured in {EH} ice. {A}l, {N}a, {T}i, {V}, {C}r, {M}n, {C}o, {B}a and {U} are found to derive mainly from rock and soil dust. {F}or the other metals, additional contributions from other sources are needed to explain the observed concentrations.}, keywords = {{METAL} {LOURD} ; {AEROSOL} ; {SEDIMENTATION} {GLACIAIRE} ; {GLACIER} ; {HOLOCENE} ; {MESURE} {AU} {SOL} ; {DONNEES} {DE} {TERRAIN} ; {FACTEUR} {ANTHROPIQUE} ; {POLLUTION} ; {CAROTTAGE} ; {ROCHE} ; {POUSSIERE} ; {BOLIVIE} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {SAJAMA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}tmospheric {E}nvironment}, volume = {35}, numero = {33}, pages = {5809--5815}, ISSN = {1352-2310}, year = {2001}, DOI = {10.1016/{S}1352-2310(01)00347-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065150}, }