@article{fdi:010065109, title = {{R}hizobium-legume symbiosis in the absence of {N}od factors : two possible scenarios with or without the {T}3{SS}}, author = {{O}kazaki, {S}. and {T}ittabutr, {P}. and {T}eulet, {A}. and {T}houin, {J}. and {F}ardoux, {J}o{\¨e}l and {C}haintreuil, {C}l{\'e}mence and {G}ully, {D}jamel and {A}rrighi, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {F}uruta, {N}. and {M}iwa, {H}. and {Y}asuda, {M}. and {N}ouwen, {N}ico and {T}eaumroong, {N}. and {G}iraud, {E}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he occurrence of alternative {N}od factor ({NF})-independent symbiosis between legumes and rhizobia was first demonstrated in some {A}eschynomene species that are nodulated by photosynthetic bradyrhizobia lacking the canonical nod{ABC} genes. {I}n this study, we revealed that a large diversity of non-photosynthetic bradyrhizobia, including {B}. elkanii, was also able to induce nodules on the {NF}independent {A}eschynomene species, {A}. indica. {U}sing cytological analysis of the nodules and the nitrogenase enzyme activity as markers, a gradient in the symbiotic interaction between bradyrhizobial strains and {A}. indica could be distinguished. {T}his ranged from strains that induced nodules that were only infected intercellularly to rhizobial strains that formed nodules in which the host cells were invaded intracellularly and that displayed a weak nitrogenase activity. {I}n all nonphotosynthetic bradyrhizobia, the type {III} secretion system ({T}3{SS}) appears required to trigger nodule organogenesis. {I}n contrast, genome sequence analysis revealed that apart from a few exceptions, like the {B}radyrhizobium {ORS}285 strain, photosynthetic bradyrhizobia strains lack a {T}3{SS}. {F}urthermore, analysis of the symbiotic properties of an {ORS}285 {T}3{SS} mutant revealed that the {T}3{SS} could have a positive or negative role for the interaction with {NF}-dependent {A}eschynomene species, but that it is dispensable for the interaction with all {NF}-independent {A}eschynomene species tested. {T}aken together, these data indicate that two {NF}-independent symbiotic processes are possible between legumes and rhizobia: one dependent on a {T}3{SS} and one using a so far unknown mechanism.}, keywords = {{LEGUMINEUSE} ; {SYMBIOSE} ; {NODOSITE} {VEGETALE} ; {NODULE} {RACINAIRE} ; {GENE} ; {ENZYME} ; {NITROGENASE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{ISME} {J}ournal}, volume = {10 juillet}, numero = {}, pages = {11}, ISSN = {1751-7362}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1038/ismej.2015.103}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065109}, }