@article{fdi:010064911, title = {{P}lanetary and meteoritic {M}g/{S}i and delta {S}i-30 variations inherited from solar nebula chemistry}, author = {{D}auphas, {N}. and {P}oitrasson, {F}ranck and {B}urkhardt, {C}. and {K}obayashi, {H}. and {K}urosawa, {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he bulk chemical compositions of planets are uncertain, even for major elements such as {M}g and {S}i. {T}his is due to the fact that the samples available for study all originate from relatively shallow depths. {C}omparison of the stable isotope compositions of planets and meteorites can help overcome this limitation. {S}pecifically, the non-chondritic {S}i isotope composition of the {E}arth's mantle was interpreted to reflect the presence of {S}i in the core, which can also explain its low density relative to pure {F}e-{N}i alloy. {H}owever, we have found that angrite meteorites display a heavy {S}i isotope composition similar to the lunar and terrestrial mantles. {B}ecause core formation in the angrite parent-body ({APB}) occurred under oxidizing conditions at relatively low pressure and temperature, significant incorporation of {S}i in the core is ruled out as an explanation for this heavy {S}i isotope signature. {I}nstead, we show that equilibrium isotopic fractionation between gaseous {S}i{O} and solid forsterite at similar to 1370 {K} in the solar nebula could have produced the observed {S}i isotope variations. {N}ebular fractionation of forsterite should be accompanied by correlated variations between the {S}i isotopic composition and {M}g/{S}i ratio following a slope of similar to 1, which is observed in meteorites. {C}onsideration of this nebular process leads to a revised {S}i concentration in the {E}arth's core of 3.6 (+6.0/-3.6) wt% and provides estimates of {M}g/{S}i ratios of bulk planetary bodies.}, keywords = {angrites ; earth ; silicon ; core ; delta {S}i-30 ; {M}g/{S}i}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}arth and {P}lanetary {S}cience {L}etters}, volume = {427}, numero = {}, pages = {236--248}, ISSN = {0012-821{X}}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.epsl.2015.07.008}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064911}, }