@article{fdi:010064909, title = {{C}oral mucus is a hot spot for viral infections}, author = {{H}anh, {N}. {K}. and {B}ettarel, {Y}van and {B}ouvier, {T}. and {B}ouvier, {C}. and {H}ai, {D}. {N}. and {L}am, {N}. {N}. and {T}huy, {N}. {T}. and {H}uy, {T}. {Q}. and {B}rune, {J}ustine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}here is increasing suspicion that viral communities play a pivotal role in maintaining coral health, yet their main ecological traits still remain poorly characterized. {I}n this study, we examined the seasonal distribution and reproduction pathways of viruses inhabiting the mucus of the scleractinians {F}ungia repanda and {A}cropora formosa collected in {N}ha {T}rang {B}ay ({V}ietnam) during an 11-month survey. {T}he strong coupling between epibiotic viral and bacterial abundance suggested that phages are dominant among coral-associated viral communities. {M}ucosal viruses also exhibited significant differences in their main features between the two coral species and were also remarkably contrasted with their planktonic counterparts. {F}or example, their abundance (inferred from epifluorescence counts), lytic production rates ({KCN} incubations), and the proportion of lysogenic cells (mitomycin {C} inductions) were, respectively, 2.6-, 9.5-, and 2.2-fold higher in mucus than in the surrounding water. {B}oth lytic and lysogenic indicators were tightly coupled with temperature and salinity, suggesting that the life strategy of viral epibionts is strongly dependent upon environmental circumstances. {F}inally, our results suggest that coral mucus may represent a highly favorable habitat for viral proliferation, promoting the development of both temperate and virulent phages. {H}ere, we discuss how such an optimized viral arsenal could be crucial for coral viability by presumably forging complex links with both symbiotic and adjacent nonsymbiotic microorganisms.}, keywords = {{VIET} {NAM}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}pplied and {E}nvironmental {M}icrobiology}, volume = {81}, numero = {17}, pages = {5773--5783}, ISSN = {0099-2240}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1128/aem.00542-15}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064909}, }