@article{fdi:010064900, title = {{P}hysical protection of soil carbon in macroaggregates does not reduce the temperature dependence of soil {CO}2 emissions}, author = {{C}hevallier, {T}iphaine and {H}maidi, {K}. and {K}ouakoua, {E}rnest and {B}ernoux, {M}artial and {G}allali, {T}. and {T}oucet, {J}o{\¨e}le and {J}olivet, {C}. and {D}eleporte, {P}. and {B}arth{\`e}s, {B}ernard}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n a warmer world, soil {CO}2 emissions are likely to increase. {T}here is still much discussion about which soil organic {C} ({SOC}) pools are more sensitive to increasing temperatures. {W}hile the temperature sensitivity of {C} stabilized by biochemical recalcitrance or by sorption to mineral surfaces has been characterized, few studies have been carried out on the temperature sensitivityexpressed as {Q}(10)of {C} physically protected inside soil macroaggregates (0.2-2mm). {I}t has been suggested that increasing the availability of labile {SOC} by exposing {C} through macroaggregate crushing would decrease {Q}(10), i.e., the temperature dependence of soil {CO}2 emissions. {T}o test this hypothesis, the temperature dependence of {CO}2 emissions from {C} physically protected in macroaggregates was measured through 21-d laboratory incubations of crushed and uncrushed soils, at 18 degrees {C} and 28 degrees {C}. 199 topsoil samples, acidic or calcareous, with {SOC} ranging from 2 to121gkg(-1) soil were investigated. {T}he {CO}2 emissions were slightly more sensible to temperature than to {C} deprotection: about 0.3mg{C}g(-1)soil (=13 mg{C} g(-1) {SOC}) and 0.2 mg{C} g(-1) (=12mg{C} g(-1) {SOC}) were additionally mineralized, in average, by increasing the temperature or by disrupting the soil structure, respectively. {T}he mean {Q}(10) index ratio of {CO}2 emitted at 28 degrees {C} and 18 degrees {C} was similar for crushed and uncrushed soil samples and equaled 1.6. {T}his was partly explained because {Q}(10) of macro-aggregate-protected {C} was 1. {T}he results did not support the initial hypothesis of lower temperature dependence of soil {CO}2 emissions after macroaggregate disruption, although a slight decrease of {Q}(10) was noticeable after crushing for soils with high amounts of macroaggregate-protected {C}. {F}ield research is now needed to confirm that soil tillage might have no effect on the temperature sensitivity of {SOC} stocks.}, keywords = {soil organic matter ; soil respiration ; carbon stabilization ; soil structure ; {Q}(10) ; {FRANCE} ; {TUNISIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {P}lant {N}utrition and {S}oil {S}cience}, volume = {178}, numero = {4}, pages = {592--600}, ISSN = {1436-8730}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1002/jpln.201400503}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064900}, }