@article{fdi:010064816, title = {{C}hromatin dynamics during cellular differentiation in the female reproductive lineage of flowering plants}, author = {{B}aroux, {C}. and {A}utran, {D}aphn{\'e}}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}exual reproduction in flowering plants offers a number of remarkable aspects to developmental biologists. {F}irst, the spore mother cells - precursors of the plant reproductive lineage - are specified late in development, as opposed to precocious germline isolation during embryogenesis in most animals. {S}econd, unlike in most animals where meiosis directly produces gametes, plant meiosis entails the differentiation of a multicellular, haploid gametophyte, within which gametic as well as non-gametic accessory cells are formed. {T}hese observations raise the question of the factors inducing and modus operandi of cell fate transitions that originate in floral tissues and gametophytes, respectively. {C}ell fate transitions in the reproductive lineage imply cellular reprogramming operating at the physiological, cytological and transcriptome level, but also at the chromatin level. {A} number of observations point to large-scale chromatin reorganization events associated with cellular differentiation of the female spore mother cells and of the female gametes. {T}hese include a reorganization of the heterochromatin compartment, the genome-wide alteration of the histone modification landscape, and the remodeling of nucleosome composition. {T}he dynamic expression of {DNA} methyltransferases and actors of small {RNA} pathways also suggest additional, global epigenetic alterations that remain to be characterized. {A}re these events a cause or a consequence of cellular differentiation, and how do they contribute to cell fate transition? {D}oes chromatin dynamics induce competence for immediate cellular functions (meiosis, fertilization), or does it also contribute long-term effects in cellular identity and developmental competence of the reproductive lineage? {T}his review attempts to review these fascinating questions.}, keywords = {chromatin ; {S}porogenesis ; {G}ametogenesis ; {P}luripotency ; reprogramming}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {J}ournal}, volume = {83}, numero = {1}, pages = {160--176}, ISSN = {0960-7412}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1111/tpj.12890}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064816}, }