Publications des scientifiques de l'IRD

Callmander M. W., Munzinger Jérôme, Buerki S., Lowry P. P. (2015). Novitates neocaledonicae. II. Acropogon moratianus Callm., Munzinger & Lowry, sp. nov. (Malvaceae, Sterculieae) : a rare and threatened new species from New Caledonia. Adansonia, 37 (1), p. 131-137. ISSN 1280-8571.

Titre du document
Novitates neocaledonicae. II. Acropogon moratianus Callm., Munzinger & Lowry, sp. nov. (Malvaceae, Sterculieae) : a rare and threatened new species from New Caledonia
Année de publication
Type de document
Article référencé dans le Web of Science WOS:000357518000008
Callmander M. W., Munzinger Jérôme, Buerki S., Lowry P. P.
Adansonia, 2015, 37 (1), p. 131-137 ISSN 1280-8571
A new species of Acropogon Schltr. (Malvaceae, Sterculieae) is described from New Caledonia. Acropogon moratianus Callm., Munzinger & Lowry, sp. nov. is endemic to three ultramafic massifs, Boulinda, Kopeto and Paeoua, along the north-western coast of Grande Terre. This rare, endangered species differs from other members of the genus by its large 5-lobed leaves whose abaxial surface is covered by erect to divergent stellate trichomes and the subspherical shape of its follicles, which bear a pointed apex. Line drawings and color photos are provided, along with a discussion of its morphological affinities and a preliminary risk of extinction assessment.
Plan de classement
Sciences du monde végétal [076]
Description Géographique
Fonds IRD [F B010064815]
Identifiant IRD