@article{fdi:010064810, title = {{S}ynoptic {K}elvin type perturbation waves over {C}ongo basin over the period 1979-2010}, author = {{S}inclaire, {Z}. and {L}enouo, {A}. and {T}chawoua, {C}. and {J}anicot, {S}erge}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he synoptic structure and inter-annual variability of {K}elvin waves over the {C}ongo basin from 1979 to 2010 are explored using outgoing longwave radiation ({OLR}) and {N}ational {C}enters for {E}nvironmental {P}rediction-{N}ational {C}enter for {A}tmospheric {R}esearch ({NCEP}-{NCAR}) reanalysis data. {C}omposite method shows that high values of synoptic {K}elvin wave ({SKIN}) index are located over {C}ongo basin during {M}arch-{J}une where the convective active phase favours the formation of convective synoptic systems. {M}ean composite {SKW}s structure shows that these waves propagate faster over land surface and dissipate with suppressed phase. {B}ecause convective instability is smaller, these waves cannot grow in {C}ongo basin. {H}igh correlation between {SKW}s and precipitation time series occurs when the {K}elvin waves lead the precipitation time series by about 4 days. {T}he analysis of 32 years datasets (1979-2010) also shows that in some particular year, strong {SKW}s propagation exists with periods centred around 5 days. {O}therwise, results show marked inter-annual variability of {K}elvin wave activity over {C}ongo basin associated with divergence and low level westerly trade winds.}, keywords = {{K}elvin waves ; {C}onvection ; {C}ongo basin ; 3-10 {D}ays variability ; {CONGO} {BASSIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}tmospheric and {S}olar-{T}errestrial {P}hysics}, volume = {130}, numero = {}, pages = {43--56}, ISSN = {1364-6826}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jastp.2015.04.015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064810}, }