@article{fdi:010064802, title = {{E}arthquake-driven acceleration of slow-moving landslides in the {C}olca valley, {P}eru, detected from {P}leiades images}, author = {{L}acroix, {P}ascal and {B}erthier, {E}. and {M}aquerhua, {E}. {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}ajor earthquakes in mountainous areas often trigger rapid landslides. {S}ome observations also suggest that earthquakes can damage landslide prone areas or cause slow-moving landslides to accelerate, with a risk of evolution to rapid landslides in the following months after the earthquake. {H}ere, we use optical images from the {P}leiades satellites to detect slow-moving landslides and quantify the effect of earthquakes on the landslide motion. {W}e process multi-temporal {P}leiades images acquired in {M}arch, {A}pril, and {J}uly 2013 over an area of 210 km(2) in the {C}olca valley ({S}outh {P}eru), to obtain two {D}igital {E}levation {M}odels ({DEM}) and three displacement fields of the area. {T}he processed {DEM}s have an uncertainty of 0.6 m (1 sigma), an order of magnitude better than two global and freely available {DEM}s ({GDEM}-v2 and {SRTM}), whereas the displacement fields have an uncertainty of between 0.11 and 0.18 m (1 alpha) in both horizontal directions. {U}sing these data, we detect 9 slow-moving landslides and compare their velocities during the {M}arch-{A}pril and {A}pril-{J}uly periods. {W}e find that landslide velocities are highest during the wet season, which suggests a strong groundwater control, and we also highlight a landslide acceleration caused by a regional {M}w 6.0 earthquake. {T}he major parameters controlling the acceleration of the slow-moving landslides are the rock type and the distance to the source, suggesting that friction at the basal interface in the weeks after the earthquake is dependent on the shaking intensity.}, keywords = {{L}andslides ; {E}arthquake ; {P}leiades ; {O}ptical satellite ; {A}cceleration ; {P}eru ; {PEROU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}emote {S}ensing of {E}nvironment}, volume = {165}, numero = {}, pages = {148--158}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2015.05.010}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064802}, }