@article{fdi:010064773, title = {{C}omparative genomics of a cannabis pathogen reveals insight into the evolution of pathogenicity in {X}anthomonas}, author = {{J}acobs, {J}. {M}. and {P}esce, {C}. and {L}efeuvre, {P}. and {K}oebnik, {R}alf}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}athogenic bacteria in the genus {X}anthomonas cause diseases on over 350 plant species, including cannabis ({C}annabis sativa {L}.). {B}ecause of regulatory limitations, the biology of the {X}anthomonas-cannabis pathosystem remains largely unexplored. {T}o gain insight into the evolution of {X}anthomonas strains pathogenic to cannabis, we sequenced the genomes of two geographically distinct {X}anthomonas strains, {NCPPB} 3753 and {NCPPB} 2877, which were previously isolated from symptomatic plant tissue in {J}apan and {R}omania. {C}omparative multilocus sequence analysis of housekeeping genes revealed that they belong to {G}roup 2, which comprises most of the described species of {X}anthomonas. {I}nterestingly, both strains lack the {H}rp {T}ype {III} secretion system and do not contain any of the known {T}ype {III} effectors. {Y}et their genomes notably encode two key {H}rp pathogenicity regulators {H}rp{G} and {H}rp{X}, and hrp{G} and hrp{X} are in the same genetic organization as in the other {G}roup 2 xanthomonads. {P}romoter prediction of {H}rp{X}-regulated genes suggests the induction of an aminopeptidase, a lipase and two polygalacturonases upon plant colonization, similar to other plant-pathogenic xanthomonads. {G}enome analysis of the distantly related {X}anthomonas maliensis strain 97{M}, which was isolated from a rice leaf in {M}ali, similarly demonstrated the presence of {H}rp{G}, {H}rp{X}, and a {H}rp{X}-regulated polygalacturonase, and the absence of the {H}rp {T}ype {III} secretion system and known {T}ype {III} effectors. {G}iven the observation that some {X}anthomonas strains across distinct taxa do not contain hrp{G} and hrp{X}, we speculate a stepwise evolution of pathogenicity, which involves (i) acquisition of key regulatory genes and cell wall-degrading enzymes, followed by (ii) acquisition of the {H}rp {T}ype {III} secretion system, which is ultimately accompanied by (iii) successive acquisition of {T}ype {III} effectors.}, keywords = {comparative genomics ; {X}anthomonas ; hemp ; cell-wall degrading enzymes ; type {II} secretion system ; type {III} secretion system ; hrp genes ; {PIP} box}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {P}lant {S}cience}, volume = {6}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 431 [13 p.]}, ISSN = {1664-462{X}}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.3389/fpls.2015.00431}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064773}, }