@article{fdi:010064766, title = {{F}leeting glory in a wasteland : wealth, politics, and autonomy in northern {C}had}, author = {{B}rachet, {J}ulien and {S}cheele, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n {J}anuary 2012, a new derde (traditional leader) of the {T}eda in northern {C}had was officially appointed. {H}eld in the {T}ibesti, a remote, notoriously unruly but strategically important part of the {S}ahara, the investiture ceremony was attended by {T}eda from throughout the country and neighboring {L}ibya and {N}iger, as well as by an impressive number of {C}hadian civil servants and international diplomats. {Y}et the ceremony itself was short and messy. {S}imilarly, the historical underpinnings of the institution of the derde and the selection process were unclear, leaving much room for debate. {T}his uncertainty appears to lie at the heart of the institution of the derde. {F}ar from a resurgence of traditional authority to make up for state failure or to partake in the restructuring of postcolonial states as observed elsewhere on the {A}frican continent the investiture ceremony confirmed the decentralized nature of {T}eda social organization and the absence of even attempted governance, both with regards to the {C}hadian state and local political institutions. {W}hat mattered from a local point of view were not long-term strategies of power and control, but rather the immediate and gloriously wasteful distribution of wealth. {A}dmiring eyes were turned not toward the derde or the state officials who appointed him, but instead toward high-ranking military officers, well-dressed urban {L}ibyan {T}eda, and trans-border smugglers, models of rapid but often short-lived success. {T}his provides a counter example to the current emphasis on governance and power in the analysis of {A}frican states and politics.}, keywords = {{TCHAD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}omparative {S}tudies in {S}ociety and {H}istory}, volume = {57}, numero = {3}, pages = {723--752}, ISSN = {0010-4175}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1017/s0010417515000262}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064766}, }