@article{fdi:010064749, title = {{N}ovel {QTL}s in an interspecific backcross {O}ryza sativa x {O}ryza glaberrima for resistance to iron toxicity in rice}, author = {{D}ufey, {I}. and {D}raye, {X}. and {L}utts, {S}. and {L}orieux, {M}athias and {M}artinez, {C}. and {B}ertin, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}ron ({F}e) toxicity is a major constraint in lowland rice. {B}ecause of its higher rusticity and adaptability to adverse soil conditions, the {A}frican rice {O}ryza glaberrima constitutes a new potential source of genes for rice improvement. {T}his study aimed at mapping quantitative trait loci ({QTL}s) for resistance to {F}e toxicity. {A} set of 220 {BC}3{DH} lines derived from the backcross {O}. sativa ({C}aiapo)/{O}. glaberrima ({MG}12)//{O}. sativa ({C}aiapo) was tested in hydroponics in the presence or absence of {F}e2+ (0 or 250 mg {L}-1). {T}he experimentwas repeated twice independently in time. {I}n each repetition, each linewas repeated three times under each {F}e2+ condition. {A} total of 28 {QTL}s were detected in 18 distinct chromosomal regions for 11 morphological and physiological traits. {T}he single and joint composite interval mappings confirmed the interest of region {RM}5-{RM}246 on chromosome 1. {S}everal {QTL}s were detected in new regions, including five {QTL}s and one joint {QTL} on chromosome 5, and one {QTL} on chromosome 10. {I}nterestingly, the favorable allele for all these seven new {QTL}s were provided by the {O}. glaberrima cultivar {MG}12, i.e. the lesser investigated species. {T}hese {QTL}s corresponded to leaf bronzing index, dry weights, {F}e concentration in the root-plaque system and stomatal conductance. {O}ur results suggest that resistance mechanisms to {F}e toxicity may differ between both cultivated rices and confirmed the possible interest of {O}. glaberrima as a source of new alleles for {QTL} detection and introgression in the perspective of improving rice resistance to {F}e toxicity.}, keywords = {{A}biotic stress ; {F}e toxicity ; {R}ice ({O}ryza sativa and {O}ryza glaberrima) ; {QTL} analysis}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}uphytica}, volume = {204}, numero = {3}, pages = {609--625}, ISSN = {0014-2336}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s10681-014-1342-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064749}, }