@article{fdi:010064745, title = {{C}ontrasted effects of natural complex mixtures of {PAH}s and metals on oxygen cycle in a microbial mat}, author = {{P}ringault, {O}livier and {A}ube, {J}. and {B}ouchez, {O}. and {K}lopp, {C}. and {M}ariette, {J}. and {E}scudie, {F}. and {S}enin, {P}. and {G}oni-{U}rriza, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he contamination of polluted environments is often due to a complex mixture of pollutants sometimes at trace levels which nevertheless may have significant effects on the diversity and functioning of organisms. {T}he aim of this study was to assess the functional responses of a microbial mat exposed to a natural complex mixture of {PAH}s and metals as a function of the maturation stage of the biofilm. {M}icrobial mats sampled in a slightly polluted environment were exposed to contaminated water of a retention basin of an oil refinery. {T}he responses of the microbial mats differed according to season. {I}n spring 2012, strong inhibition of both oxygen production and respiration was observed relative to the control, with rates representing less than 5% of the control after 72 h of incubation. {A} decrease of microbial activities was followed by a decrease of the coupling between autotrophs and heterotrophs. {I}n contrast, in autumn 2012, no significant changes for oxygen production and respiration were observed and the coupling between autotrophs and heterotrophs was not altered. {T}he differences observed between the spring and autumn mats might be explained by the maturity of the microbial mat with dominance of heterotrophic bacteria in spring, and diatoms and cyanobacteria in autumn, as well as by the differences in the chemical composition of the complex mixture of {PAH}s and metals.}, keywords = {{P}roduction ; {R}espiration ; {C}arbon cycle ; {B}iofilm ; {M}icroelectrodes ; {M}aturation ; {FRANCE} ; {BERRE} {ETANG}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}hemosphere}, volume = {135}, numero = {}, pages = {189--201}, ISSN = {0045-6535}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.04.037}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064745}, }