@article{fdi:010064742, title = {{O}bserved interannual variability of near-surface salinity in the {B}ay of {B}engal}, author = {{P}ant, {V}. and {G}irishkumar, {M}. {S}. and {B}haskar, {T}vsu and {R}avichandran, {M}. and {P}apa, {F}abrice and {T}hangaprakash, {V}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}n in situ gridded data of salinity, comprising {A}rgo and {CTD} profiles, has been used to study the interannual variability of near-surface salinity (within 30 m from sea surface) in the {B}ay of {B}engal ({B}o{B}) during the years 2005-2013. {I}n addition to the broad agreement with earlier studies on the north-to-south gradient of surface salinity and general features of seasonal variability of salinity, the data also revealed few episodes of enhanced freshening in the {B}o{B}. {T}he observations showed distinct anomalous low salinity (< 2 psu) waters in the northern {B}o{B} during {J}une-{F}ebruary of the years 2006-2007 ({Y}67), 2011-2012 ({Y}12), and 2012-2013 ({Y}23). {T}he anomalous freshening during these years showed similar life cycle, such as, it starts in the northern {B}o{B} during {J}uly-{S}eptember of current summer and extends up to {F}ebruary-{M}arch of next winter with a southward propagation. {A}nalysis showed that the oceanic and atmospheric conditions associated with positive {I}ndian {O}cean {D}ipole (p{IOD}) lead to these freshening events, and {IOD} rather than {E}l {N}ino/{S}outhern {O}scillation ({ENSO}) controls the interannual variability of salinity in the {B}o{B}. {T}he mixed layer salt budget analysis indicated the dominant role of local fresh water flux (horizontal advection) on the observed salinity tendency during summer (winter) monsoon season. {E}nhanced precipitation associated with p{IOD} lead to enhanced freshening in northern {B}o{B} during {J}une-{S}eptember, which remained to this region with prevailing summer monsoon circulation. {T}he weakening or absence of southward east {I}ndia coastal current ({EICC}) during {O}ctober-{D}ecember of these freshening years trapped anomalous freshwater in the northern {B}o{B}.}, keywords = {sea surface salinity ; {B}ay of {B}engal ; {BENGALE} {GOLFE} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch. {O}ceans}, volume = {120}, numero = {5}, pages = {3315--3329}, ISSN = {2169-9275}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1002/2014jc010340}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064742}, }