@article{fdi:010064718, title = {{A}ssessing interactions between dolphins and small pelagic fish on branchline to design a depredation mitigation device in pelagic longline fisheries}, author = {{R}abearisoa, {N}jaratiana and {B}ach, {P}ascal and {M}arsac, {F}rancis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}epredation by false killer whales ({P}seudorca crassidens) and short-finned pilot whales ({G}lobicephala macrorhynchus) in pelagic longlining is an issue leading to negative impacts on the economics of the fishery and on odontocetes themselves. {W}e investigated the efficacy of a new depredation mitigation device called "{DEPRED}" in the interaction between bottlenose dolphins ({T}ursiops aduncus), spinner dolphins ({S}tenella longirostris), and small pelagic fish ({SPF}) attached to branchlines to simulate caught fish. {W}e suggest implications for {DEPRED} efficacy with larger toothed whales interacting with pelagic longline capture in the open ocean. {T}he design of the device uses streamers to both deter cetaceans and protect fish from predation. {I}n controlled experiments, we tested its efficacy by observing changes in the dolphin's behaviour brought on by the presence or absence of the device on branchlines. {F}irst, dolphin-{SPF} interactions were observed at the small scale using video footage recorded with an underwater camcorder. {S}econd, the efficacy of the device was quantified from interactions between dolphins and 80 branchlines deployed on a longline 500 m long baited with {SPF}. {O}ne half of the {SPF} on successive branchlines was protected by {DEPRED} and the other half was not. {A} total of 707 branchlines were set when dolphins interacted with {SPF}, and among them, 355 were equipped with {DEPRED}. {E}ncouraging results were obtained: over the short term, the number of damaged unprotected {SPF} was on average more than twice the number of protected ones. {N}evertheless, habituation behaviour was observed for a resident group of {T}. aduncus in the experimental area. {T}he relation between the deterrent effect of the device and constraints related to the design of such a device to be used at a commercial operational level are discussed.}, keywords = {bottlenose dolphin ; {C}ramer's {V} statistic ; deterrent effect ; mitigation ; measures ; physical protection ; spinner dolphin ; {REUNION} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}ces {J}ournal of {M}arine {S}cience}, volume = {72}, numero = {5}, pages = {1682--1690}, ISSN = {1054-3139}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1093/icesjms/fsu252}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064718}, }