@article{fdi:010064662, title = {{I}nfluenza {A} virus on oceanic islands : host and viral diversity in seabirds in the {W}estern {I}ndian {O}cean}, author = {{L}ebarbenchon, {C}. and {J}aeger, {A}. and {F}eare, {C}. and {B}astien, {M}. and {D}ietrich, {M}. and {L}arose, {C}. and {L}agadec, {E}. and {R}ocamora, {G}. and {S}hah, {N}. and {P}ascalis, {H}erv{\'e} and {B}oulinier, {T}. and {L}e {C}orre, {M}. and {S}tallknecht, {D}. {E}. and {D}ellagi, {K}oussay}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}ucks and seabirds are natural hosts for influenza {A} viruses ({IAV}). {O}n oceanic islands, the ecology of {IAV} could be affected by the relative diversity, abundance and density of seabirds and ducks. {S}eabirds are the most abundant and widespread avifauna in the {W}estern {I}ndian {O}cean and, in this region, oceanic islands represent major breeding sites for a large diversity of potential {IAV} host species. {B}ased on serological assays, we assessed the host range of {IAV} and the virus subtype diversity in terns of the islands of the {W}estern {I}ndian {O}cean. {W}e further investigated the spatial variation in virus transmission patterns between islands and identified the origin of circulating viruses using a molecular approach. {O}ur findings indicate that terns represent a major host for {IAV} on oceanic islands, not only for seabird-related virus subtypes such as {H}16, but also for those commonly isolated in wild and domestic ducks ({H}3, {H}6, {H}9, {H}12 subtypes). {W}e also identified strong species-associated variation in virus exposure that may be associated to differences in the ecology and behaviour of terns. {W}e discuss the role of tern migrations in the spread of viruses to and between oceanic islands, in particular for the {H}2 and {H}9 {IAV} subtypes.}, keywords = {{OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {P}athogens}, volume = {11}, numero = {5}, pages = {e1004925 [17 p.]}, ISSN = {1553-7366}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.ppat.1004925}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064662}, }