@article{fdi:010064653, title = {{R}egulatory divergence between parental alleles determines gene expression patterns in hybrids}, author = {{C}ombes, {M}arie-{C}hristine and {H}ueber, {Y}ann and {D}ereeper, {A}lexis and {R}ialle, {S}. and {H}errera, {J}. {C}. and {L}ashermes, {P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}oth hybridization and allopolyploidization generate novel phenotypes by conciliating divergent genomes and regulatory networks in the same cellular context. {T}o understand the rewiring of gene expression in hybrids, the total expression of 21,025 genes and the allele-specific expression of over 11,000 genes were quantified in interspecific hybrids and their parental species, {C}offea canephora and {C}offea eugenioides using {RNA}-seq technology. {B}etween parental species, cis- and trans-regulatory divergences affected around 32% and 35% of analyzed genes, respectively, with nearly 17% of them showing both. {T}he relative importance of trans-regulatory divergences between both species could be related to their low genetic divergence and perennial habit. {I}n hybrids, among divergently expressed genes between parental species and hybrids, 77% was expressed like one parent (expression level dominance), including 65% like {C}. eugenioides. {G}ene expression was shown to result from the expression of both alleles affected by intertwined parental trans-regulatory factors. {A} strong impact of {C}. eugenioides trans-regulatory factors on the upregulation of {C}. canephora alleles was revealed. {T}he gene expression patterns appeared determined by complex combinations of cis- and trans-regulatory divergences. {I}n particular, the observed biased expression level dominance seemed to be derived from the asymmetric effects of trans-regulatory parental factors on regulation of alleles. {M}ore generally, this study illustrates the effects of divergent trans-regulatory parental factors on the gene expression pattern in hybrids. {T}he characteristics of the transcriptional response to hybridization appear to be determined by the compatibility of gene regulatory networks and therefore depend on genetic divergences between the parental species and their evolutionary history.}, keywords = {hybridization ; cis- and trans-regulation ; allele-specific expression ; allopolyploidy}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}enome {B}iology and {E}volution}, volume = {7}, numero = {4}, pages = {1110--1121}, ISSN = {1759-6653}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1093/gbe/evv057}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064653}, }