@article{fdi:010064601, title = {{P}lace de l'immunoth{\'e}rapie dans le traitement actuel des envenimations ophidiennes}, author = {{C}hippaux, {J}ean-{P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{T}he production of antivenoms, which were long deemed ineffective, dangerous and difficult to use, has improved dramatically {T}hese antibodies (immunoglobulin {G}) are now fragmented, purified and controlled for their quality leading to significantly better safety and facilitating their emergency use. {E}nvenomation can result in various syndromes depending on the snake species: {V}iperidae venoms are highly inflammatory, hemorrhagic and necrotising, while {E}lapidae venoms can cause fatal respiratory paralysis. {H}owever, some {V}iperidae venoms can lead to asphyxiation similar to that observed in {E}lapidae envenomation while, conversely, {E}lapidae bites may be complicated by hemorrhage or necrosis, thus complicating etiologic diagnosis. {S}ymptomatic treatment is complex, often insufficient, and frequently associated with adverse events. {I}n contrast, antivenoms neutralize the venom and accelerate its clearance, thus providing an etiological treatment for envenomation, particularly in remote healthcare facilities in developing countries. {C}urrent formulations consist of polyvalent antivenoms covering most of the venomous species present in a specific region. {T}he main limitation is their high cost, and the priority should be to develop new treatment strategies, including more affordable antivenoms, especially in developing countries where they are most needed.}, keywords = {{SNAKE} {BITES} ; {EMERGENCIES} ; {CASE} {MANAGEMENT} ; {ANTIVENINS} ; {RISK} {ASSESSMENT} ; {M}orsures de serpent ; {U}rgences ; {P}rise en charge personnalis{\'e}e du patient. ; {S}{\'e}rums antivenimeux ; Évaluation des risques ; {MONDE} ; {BENIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}ulletin de l’{A}cad{\'e}mie {N}ationale de {M}{\'e}decine}, volume = {197}, numero = {4-5}, pages = {993--1006}, ISSN = {0001-4079}, year = {2013}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064601}, }