@article{fdi:010064574, title = {{T}he exclusion of indigenous traditional knowledge in the higher education : the case of traditional medicine and the {M}exican medical education}, author = {{G}uzmán-{R}osas, {S}.{C}. and {K}leiche {D}ray, {M}ina and {Z}olla, {C}. and {S}uaste-{G}ómez, {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his paper analyzes the level of inclusion of indigenous traditional knowledge about traditional medicine in {M}exican medical training, showing an angle of the place that maintains cultural diversity in higher education nationally. {U}sing a quantitative, cross-sectional, exploratory and descriptive design, instruments were applied to survey the 85 institutions registered with the {M}exican {A}ssociation of {C}olleges and {S}chools of {M}edicine (known by its {S}panish acronym {AMFEM}); the data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. {O}f these institutions, only 27.05% include teaching about traditional medicine in 36 subjects related to the topic, 50% of which is optional, 41.66% of short duration, 52.62% with few credit hours and, in some cases, with a pejorative orientation. {I}t is noted that the area of the {M}exican medical education reflects a broader political problem of asymmetry and inequality between stakeholders and their knowledge, so that the rejection of indigenous traditional knowledge in the {M}exican medical education is only a reflection of the many other places where these groups, and their knowledge, have been excluded before.}, keywords = {{MEDECINE} {TRADITIONNELLE} ; {MEDECINE} ; {AUTOCHTONE} ; {ENSEIGNEMENT} ; {ETHNOMEDECINE} ; {EDUCATION} ; {UNIVERSITE} ; {ETABLISSEMENT} {D}'{ENSEIGNEMENT} ; {DIVERSITE} {CULTURELLE} ; {PLURALISME} {MEDICAL} ; {SAVOIR} {MEDICAL} ; {SAVOIR} {TRADITIONNEL} ; {MEXIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}reative {E}ducation}, volume = {6}, numero = {9}, pages = {867--879}, ISSN = {2151-4755}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.4236/ce.2015.69089}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064574}, }