@article{fdi:010064542, title = {{P}acific western boundary currents and their roles in climate}, author = {{H}u, {D}. and {W}u, {L}. and {C}ai, {W}. and {S}en {G}upta, {A}. and {G}anachaud, {A}lexandre and {Q}iu, {B}. and {G}ordon, {A}.{L}. and {L}in, {X}. and {C}hen, {Z}. and {H}u, {S}. and {W}ang, {G}. and {W}ang, {Q}. and {S}printall, {J}. and {Q}u, {T}. and {K}ashino, {Y}. and {W}ang, {F}. and {K}essler, {W}.{S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}acific {O}cean western boundary currents and the interlinked equatorial {P}acific circulation system were among the first currents of these types to be explored by pioneering oceanographers. {T}he widely accepted but poorly quantified importance of these currents - in processes such as the {E}l {N}iño/{S}outhern {O}scillation, the {P}acific {D}ecadal {O}scillation and the {I}ndonesian {T}hroughflow - has triggered renewed interest. {O}ngoing efforts are seeking to understand the heat and mass balances of the equatorial {P}acific, and possible changes associated with greenhouse-gas-induced climate change. {O}nly a concerted international effort will close the observational, theoretical and technical gaps currently limiting a robust answer to these elusive questions.}, keywords = {{COURANT} {MARIN} ; {COURANT} {EQUATORIAL} ; {CIRCULATION} {OCEANIQUE} ; {INTERACTION} {OCEAN} {ATMOSPHERE} ; {CLIMAT} ; {UPWELLING} ; {EL} {NINO} ; {VARIATION} {SAISONNIERE} ; {VARIATION} {PLURIANNUELLE} ; {CHANGEMENT} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {PACIFIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}ature}, volume = {522}, numero = {7556}, pages = {299--308}, ISSN = {0028-0836}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1038/nature14504}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064542}, }