@techreport{fdi:010064505, title = {{F}rench research on mangroves : directory of researchers, engineers, post-doctoral and doctoral students}, author = {{P}roisy, {C}hristophe and {F}romard, {F}. and {O}lagoke, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {2015 is declared as the {M}angrove {Y}ear by the {CNRS}-{INEE} (www.cnrs.fr) and the {IRD} (www.ird.fr), two leading {F}rench research institutes on natural ecosystems. {A}s a contribution to this initiative, we prepared the directory of persons conducting scientific works on mangroves from {F}rench research laboratories, national or local organizations and private agencies. {W}e collated the countries of study and the fields of expertise developed by each person. {P}h{D} and post-doctoral students are also included in this database since we consider them as the people of the future. {I}t is our strong belief that sharing the basic data of these specialists constitutes pivotal information for strengthening national and international scientific works dedicated to knowledge acquisition on mangroves ecosystems and coasts. {I}t is the only way we have to claim the necessity of mangrove preservation worldwide. {S}o, we hope that this directory could be linked to others built in other mangrove countries.}, keywords = {{MANGROVE} ; {RECHERCHE} {SCIENTIFIQUE} ; {ANNUAIRE} ; {FRANCE}}, address = {{M}ontpellier}, publisher = {{IRD}}, series = {}, pages = {18 multigr.}, year = {2015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064505}, }