@incollection{fdi:010064385, title = {{M}agnetic fabric of ignimbrites : a case study from the central {A}natolian volcanic province}, author = {{A}gro, {A}. and {Z}anella, {A}. and {L}e {P}ennec, {J}ean-{L}uc and {T}emel, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he magnetic fabric of the {P}liocene {K}ızılkaya ignimbrite in the {C}entral {A}natolian {V}olcanic {P}rovince has been investigated by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility ({AMS}) and isothermal remanent magnetization ({AIRM}). {S}even sections were sampled at various stratigraphic heights within the devitrified portion of the ignimbrite. {T}he magnetic mineralogy is complex: titanomagnetite occurs as magmatic grains, and as inclusions in other phenocryst and glass shards; an oxidized phase and hematite occur in deposit levels affected by alteration processes. {T}he disturbance produced by lithic and pumice clasts has been reduced by discarding the specimens that deviate more than ±1σ from the site mean value of the density. {T}he {AMS} fabric varies along each individual section. {N}either the {AMS} magnetic lineation nor the magnetic foliation plunge clearly define a common area as the vent location. {T}he {AIRM} fabric of low-coercivity minerals, mainly represented by free titanomagnetite grains of magmatic origin, is consistent between sites and the inferred flow directions converge on a region near {D}erinkuyu, in the {N}evsehir plateau, previously reported as the {K}ızılkaya ignimbrite source area. {T}his study shows that systematic use of the remanent fabric improves the results given by {AMS} and aids the identification of the primary magnetic fabric related to the ignimbrite emplacement dynamics.}, keywords = {{ROCHE} {VOLCANIQUE} ; {MAGNETISME} ; {PALEOMAGNETISME} ; {PLIOCENE} ; {ANALYSE} {MINERALOGIQUE} ; {IGNIMBRITE} ; {TURQUIE} ; {ANATOLIE} {CENTRALE} ; {NEVSEHUR} {PLATEAU} ; {OVACIK} ; {KIZILKAYA}}, booktitle = {{P}alaeomagnetism and rock magnetism to understand volcanic processes}, numero = {396}, pages = {159--175}, address = {}, series = {{S}pecial {P}ublications - {G}eological {S}ociety of {L}ondon}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1144/{SP}396.9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064385}, }