@article{fdi:010064381, title = {{T}he politics and crisis of the {P}etroleum {I}ndustry {B}ill in {N}igeria}, author = {{P}{\'e}rouse de {M}ontclos, {M}arc-{A}ntoine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {N}igerian {P}etroleum {I}ndustry {B}ill ({PIB}), which is currently being discussed in {P}arliament, aims at reforming the oil industry. {B}ut it also reveals the guiding forces of local politics. {T}he {PIB} exposes the limitations of the state's ambitions, desire and capacity for reform, and it is strong evidence for the regional divisions and social tensions catalysing resistance against the government of {P}resident {G}oodluck {J}onathan, which is accused of ethnic bias in favour of the oil-producing areas of the {N}iger {D}elta.}, keywords = {{PETROLE} ; {POLITIQUE} {PETROLIERE} ; {POLITIQUE} ; {VIE} {POLITIQUE} ; {CONFLIT} {SOCIAL} ; {HYDROCARBURE} ; {LEGISLATION} ; {HISTOIRE} ; {FISCALITE} ; {SYNDICAT} ; {ONG} ; {POLLUTION} ; {ELECTION} ; {DISPARITE} {REGIONALE} ; {REFORME} ; {REFORME} {POLITIQUE} ; {COMPAGNIE} {PETROLIERE} ; {MARCHE} {PETROLIER} ; {NIGERIA} ; {NIGERIA} {DELTA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}odern {A}frican {S}tudies}, volume = {52}, numero = {3}, pages = {403--424}, ISSN = {1761-0559}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1017/{S}0022278{X}1400024{X}}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064381}, }