@incollection{fdi:010064374, title = {{A}coustic estimation of {P}acific sardine biomass in the {G}ulf of {C}alifornia during the spring 2008-2012}, author = {{V}illalobos, {H}. and {N}evarez {M}artinez, {M}.{O}. and {S}antos-{M}olina, {J}.{P}. and {G}onzalez-{M}aynez, {V}.{E}. and {A}ngeles {M}artinez-{Z}avala, {M}. de los and {H}ermand, {J}.{P}. and {B}rehmer, {P}atrice}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}t is necessary to refine the acoustic estimation method applied in the {G}ulf of {C}alifornia, especially regarding the acoustic energy allocation to the different species coexisting in the same area, in order to produce a more precise and reliable fishery independent biomass index for the sustainable management of the fishery. {T}he series of acoustic surveys carried out in this work are the first systematic attempts to estimate {P}acific sardine biomass in the {G}ulf of {C}alifornia. {D}ue to similar acoustic reflectivity of other pelagic species, we need to refine the allocation of acoustic energy to species. {F}rom 2012, besides the 38 k{H}z transducer another frequency has been incorporated (120 k{H}z) in the surveys. {W}ith both frequencies we will apply acoustic signal filtering procedures in order to 1). {D}iscriminate zooplankton echoes from fish echoes and 2). {I}nvestigate the possibility to better discriminate the {P}acific sardine from other species.}, keywords = {{ESTIMATION} {DE} {STOCK} ; {ESPECE} {PELAGIQUE} ; {SARDINE} ; {BIOMASSE} ; {PROSPECTION} {ACOUSTIQUE} ; {MODELISATION} ; {VARIATION} {PLURIANNUELLE} ; {MEXIQUE} ; {GOLFE} {DE} {CALIFORNIE}}, booktitle = {{IEEE}/{OES} {A}coustics in {U}nderwater {G}eosciences {S}ymposium ({RIO} {A}coustics)}, numero = {}, pages = {4}, address = {{P}iscataway}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, series = {}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1109/{RIOA}coustics.2013.6683996}, ISBN = {978-1-4799-0362-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064374}, }