@inproceedings{fdi:010064370, title = {{T}ransport pathways of decapod larvae in the {C}anary-{A}frican {C}oastal {T}ransition {Z}one : modelling and field observations : poster}, author = {{L}andeira, {J}.{M}. and {B}rochier, {T}imoth{\'e}e and {M}ason, {E}. and {H}ernandez-{L}eon, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}lanktonic larvae constitute a vital component of oceanic food webs and represent the early life-history stages of ecologically and economically valued species. {T}hus, understanding biological and physical mechanisms involved with larval transport is of substantial interest to the fields of ecology, conservation and fishery management. {T}his study represents an attempt to elucidate the transport pathways of decapod larvae within the {CACTZ}, where larval assemblages are poorly known. {T}he waters downstream of the {C}anary {I}sland archipelago displayed intense mesoscale activity during the {FAX}99 cruise. {SST} images revealed the presence of 14 cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies as well as four upwelling filaments. {O}ur results illustrate a close relationship between these mesoscale oceanographic structures and the distribution of decapod larvae using both field observations and transport modelling. {A}nalysis of plankton samples showed that the {C}-{ACTZ} is an area where both {C}anary and {A}frican larvae may be present at the same time. {O}n the other hand, predictions of larval transport are obtained from the {I}chthyop {L}agrangian transport model, which is forced by a high-resolution hydrodynamic model ({ROMS}) that reproduces the regional circulation. {T}he simulations support the field observations and the key findings are: (1) {V}irtual larvae released in the offshore boundary of the upwelling front were advected westward offshore by filaments, reaching all the islands within 28 days; (2) {S}ignificant amount of simulated larvae are transported back to the {A}frican coast due to eddy circulation; (3) {M}ost of the virtual larvae released from {G}ran {C}anaria and {F}uerteventura are rapidly transported to the west/southwest by the {C}anary {C}urrent arriving the other islands, (4) while others are transported towards the {A}frican coast or (5) northward connecting with the {S}elvagen archipelago. {O}ur observations of larval transport introduce new insights for the general understanding of the metapopulation connectivity between the {C}anary {I}slands and the {A}frican coast.}, keywords = {{ATLANTIQUE} ; {ESPAGNE} ; {MAROC} {NORD} {OUEST}}, numero = {}, pages = {277}, booktitle = {{B}ook of {A}bstracts submitted to the {IV} {C}ongress of {M}arine {S}ciences}, year = {2014}, ISBN = {978-84-697-0471-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064370}, }