@article{fdi:010064364, title = {{C}onflicts and the political issues of excess mortality : a case-study from {N}igeria}, author = {{P}{\'e}rouse de {M}ontclos, {M}arc-{A}ntoine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his article deals with the political issues of excess mortality due 'to conflicts. {B}ased on a case-study from {N}igeria, it addresses two main points. {T}he first has to do with the methodological possibilities to measure the intensity and the human impact of armed conflicts. {I}n the context of developing countries where official statistics are not reliable and/or not available because they are not published, it argues that violent deaths are the prime indicators that can be used. {T}he second point addresses the methodological difficulties to define precisely political violence. {I}t underlines the problems of resorting to categories like civilians and combatants, public and private actors, criminal politicians and politicized criminals, etc. {I}n this regard, it appears that crime statistics can also be politicized. {T}hus it is very necessary to establish a proper methodology before undertaking any assessment of risk and the human impact of armed conflicts.}, keywords = {{CONFLIT} {POLITIQUE} ; {VIOLENCE} ; {MORTALITE} ; {TAUX} {DE} {MORTALITE} ; {TERRORISME} ; {MOUVEMENT} {ISLAMIQUE} ; {ISLAM} ; {SECTE} ; {MESURE} ; {DONNEES} {STATISTIQUES} ; {STATISTIQUE} ; {CONFLIT} {ARME} ; {SECURITE} {HUMAINE} ; {CONVENTION} {DE} {GENEVE} ; {NIGERIA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}indal {J}ournal of {I}nternational {A}ffairs}, volume = {3}, numero = {1}, pages = {85--101}, ISSN = {2249-8095}, year = {2013}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064364}, }