@incollection{fdi:010064363, title = {{B}oko {H}aram and politics : from insurgency to terrorism}, author = {{P}{\'e}rouse de {M}ontclos, {M}arc-{A}ntoine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ased on the case of {B}oko {H}aram, or {J}ama'atu {A}hlis-{S}unnah {L}idda'awati {W}al {J}ihad ("{P}eople {C}ommitted to the {P}ropagation of the {P}rophet's {T}eachings and {J}ihad") to give it its real name, this chapter introduces a general discussion on the relationship between {I}slam and politics in {N}igeria. {U}nlike {H}amas in {P}alestine, {H}ezbollah in {L}ebanon, or the {M}uslim {B}rothers in {E}gypt, {B}oko {H}aram is neither a political party nor a charity network. {I}t is political because it contests {W}estern values, challenges the secularity of the {N}igerian state, and reveals the corruption of a "democrazy" that relies on a predatory ruling elite, the so-called "godfathers". {B}ut {B}oko {H}aram also remains a sect, now engaged in terrorist violence. {F}rom {M}ohammed {Y}usuf to {A}bubakar {S}hekau, its leaders have never actually proposed a political programme to reform and govern {N}igeria according to {S}hariah. {I}n this regard, {B}oko {H}aram raises an important question : why has {N}igeria never had a religious political party, either {I}slamic or {C}hristian ? {F}ederalism and the alleged 'neutrality' of military regimes do not explain everything. {C}ompared with the situation in {N}orthern {S}udan, the structure and division of {I}slam also help us to understand why {N}igerian {M}uslims have never succeeded in setting up a political platform to contest elections with a religious programme, and why violence became an alternative channel for reform.}, keywords = {{ISLAM} ; {MOUVEMENT} {ISLAMIQUE} ; {RELIGION} ; {PARTI} {POLITIQUE} ; {POLITIQUE} {INTERIEURE} ; {TERRORISME} ; {SECTE} ; {REPRESSION} ; {ISLAMISATION} ; {VIE} {POLITIQUE} ; {CHRISTIANISME} ; {IDEOLOGIE} {POLITIQUE} ; {DROIT} {ISLAMIQUE} ; {ISLAMISME} ; {LOI} {ISLAMIQUE} ; {JIHAD} ; {JIHADISME} ; {NIGERIA}}, booktitle = {{B}oko {H}aram : islamism, politics, security and the state in {N}igeria}, numero = {2}, pages = {135--157}, address = {{L}eyde ({NLD}) ; {Z}aria}, publisher = {{A}frican {S}tudies {C}entre ; {I}nstitut {F}ran{\c{c}}ais de {R}echerche en {A}frique}, series = {{W}est {A}frican {P}olitics and {S}ociety {S}eries}, year = {2014}, ISBN = {978-90-5448-135-5}, ISSN = {2213-5480}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064363}, }