@inproceedings{fdi:010064338, title = {{D}ecisions about unplanned pregnancies and abortion among women and men in {M}orocco and {S}enegal : influence of norms, practices, and institutional contexts}, author = {{A}djamagbo, {A}gn{\`e}s and {G}uillaume, {A}gn{\`e}s and {B}akass, {F}. and {B}ajos, {N}. and {F}errand, {M}. and {R}ossier, {C}. and {T}exeira, {M}. and {B}aya, {B}. and {S}oubeiga, {A}. and {S}awadogo, {N}. and {C}haker, {A}. and {G}yapong, {J}. and {B}eikro, {L}. and {O}sei, {I}. and {A}guessy {K}on{\'e}, {P}. and {G}ourbin, {C}. and {M}oreau, {L}. and {M}ay{H}ew, {S}. and {C}ollumbien, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his paper examines how women or couples manage unplanned pregnancies in the capital cities of {M}orocco and {S}enegal ({R}abat and {D}akar), both subject to strict rules in terms of sexuality among single people. {W}e analyze the social and individual logics prevailing when an unexpected pregnancy is announced and how decisions are made as to whether to continue or terminate the pregnancy. {W}e analyse qualitative data from a program funded by the {E}uropean {U}nion between 2005 and 2009 on the use of emergency contraception in {A}frican cities. {O}ur results show that despite the existence of effective family planning programs in {R}abat, circumstances of sexual debut among women are difficult. {I}n {D}akar, although chastity before marriage is promoted, non-compliance with this rule is not as severely condemned than in {M}orocco. {C}hoosing abortion when faced with unplanned pregnancy depends on people's life cycle and on the stage of their relationship. {O}ne practice contemplated at a given time in the relationship may no longer be feasible at another time. {F}inally, in both cities, our data highlight the strong involvement of families in managing couple relationships and their fertility. {T}his influence seems further exacerbated in {M}orocco where families sometimes fiercely require or forbid abortion.}, keywords = {{GROSSESSE} ; {AVORTEMENT} ; {PLANIFICATION} {DE} {LA} {FAMILLE} ; {CONTRACEPTION} ; {SEXUALITE} ; {NORME} ; {DROIT} {DE} {REPRODUCTION} ; {GROSSESSE} {NON} {DESIREE} ; {INTERRUPTION} {MEDICALE} {DE} {GROSSESSE} ; {SEXUALITE} {PRENUPTIALE} ; {COUPLE} ; {AVORTEMENT} {CLANDESTIN} ; {MORTALITE} {MATERNELLE} ; {PROCESSUS} {DE} {DECISION} ; {MAROC} ; {RABAT} ; {SENEGAL} ; {DAKAR}}, numero = {}, pages = {31 multigr.}, booktitle = {{D}ecision-making regarding abortion : determinants and consequences}, year = {2014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064338}, }