@article{fdi:010064315, title = {{R}ound sardinella ({S}ardinella aurita) and anchovy ({E}ngraulis encrasicolus) abundance as related to temperature in the senegalese waters}, author = {{D}iankha, {O}. and {T}hiaw, {M}. and {S}ow, {B}.{A}. and {B}rochier, {T}imoth{\'e}e and {G}aye, {A}.{T}. and {B}rehmer, {P}atrice}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e report the use of generalized additive models to define possible thermal windows related to high abundance of {S}ardinella aurita and {E}ngraulis encrasicolus in {S}enegalese waters. {L}anding data from 1999 to 2009, considered as an abundance index, remotely sensed thermal data (sea surface temperature, {SST} from {AVHRR} {P}athfinder {V}5) and a temporal variable (month) were used to construct the models. {T}he results from this work suggest that high abundance of round sardinella and anchovy was closely related to {SST}. {H}igh abundances of round sardinella and anchovy were associated with different temperature ranges, 21.0 to 25.0 °{C} and 22.0 to 23.0 °{C}, respectively. {H}owever, temperature corresponding to the highest abundance of round sardinella and anchovy were very close (22.7 °{C} and 22.3 °{C} respectively). {I}ndeed, it might exist an optimal temperature window for these two species in {S}enegalese water might exist.}, keywords = {{POISSON} {MARIN} ; {ESPECE} {COMMERCIALE} ; {ESPECE} {PELAGIQUE} ; {SARDINE} ; {ABONDANCE} ; {TEMPERATURE} {DE} {SURFACE} ; {EFFORT} {DE} {PECHE} ; {MODELISATION} ; {VARIATION} {SAISONNIERE} ; {ANCHOIS} ; {SENEGAL} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}halassas}, volume = {31}, numero = {2}, pages = {9--17}, ISSN = {0212-5919}, year = {2015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064315}, }