@article{fdi:010064268, title = {{P}reliminary identification of key coral species from {N}ew {C}aledonia ({S}outhwest {P}acific {O}cean), their significance to reef formation, and responses to environmental change}, author = {{H}ongo, {C}. and {W}irrmann, {D}enis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he recognition of key coral species ({KCS}) in the geological record, i.e. those that contribute to reef formation and maintenance of coral reef ecosystems, is important for understanding the development and evolution of reef ecosystems and for forecasting their responses to climate change and anthropogenic impacts in the near future. {T}his study examined the contribution to reef formation and maintenance of {KCS} from {P}leistocene and {H}olocene barrier reefs in {N}ew {C}aledonia, based on analyses of six cores retrieved from three different reefs: {I}slets {K}endec, {A}m{\'e}d{\'e}e, and {B}ayes. {O}ur results indicate that at least 19 genera and 33 species of corals contributed to reef formation and maintenance during the {H}olocene in {N}ew {C}aledonia. {A}mong them, {G}oniastrea retiformis, {I}sopora palifera, {D}ipsastraea pallida/speciosa complex, corymbose {A}cropora sp., massive {P}orites sp., and encrusting {P}orites sp. were {KCS} during the {H}olocene. {T}his observation suggests that {KCS} will potentially contribute to the formation and persistence of reefs in the near future under conditions of estimated global sea-level rise of 0.2–0.6 m/100 years. {H}owever, the distributions and abundances of these species are currently decreasing. {T}his study emphasizes the need for further research on the restoration and conservation of potential {KCS}.}, keywords = {{RECIF} {BARRIERE} ; {RECIF} {CORALLIEN} ; {HOLOCENE} ; {PLEISTOCENE} ; {ESPECE} ; {DIVERSITE} {SPECIFIQUE} ; {DISTRIBUTION} {SPATIALE} ; {ABONDANCE} ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE} ; {PACIFIQUE} ; {ISLETS} {KENDEC} ; {AMEDEE} ; {BAYES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}sland {A}rc}, volume = {24}, numero = {1}, pages = {31–46}, ISSN = {1440-1738}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1111/iar.12090}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064268}, }