@article{fdi:010064205, title = {{E}cosystem modelling in the southern {B}enguela : comparisons of {A}tlantis, {E}copath with {E}cosim, and {OSMOSE} under fishing scenarios}, author = {{S}mith, {M}. {D}. and {F}ulton, {E}. {A}. and {D}ay, {R}. {W}. and {S}hannon, {L}. {J}. and {S}hin, {Y}unne-{J}ai}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}cosystem-based management of marine fisheries requires the use of simulation modelling to investigate the system-level impact of candidate fisheries management strategies. {H}owever, testing of fundamental assumptions such as system structure or process formulations is rarely done. {I}n this study, we compare the output of three different ecosystem models ({A}tlantis, {E}copath with {E}cosim, and {OSMOSE}) applied to the same ecosystem (the southern {B}enguela), to explore which ecosystem effects of fishing are most sensitive to model uncertainty. {W}e subjected the models to two contrasting fishing pressure scenarios, applying high fishing pressure to either small pelagic fish or to adult hake. {W}e compared the resulting model behaviour at a system level, and also at the level of model groups. {W}e analysed the outputs in terms of various commonly used ecosystem indicators, and found some similarities in the overall behaviour of the models, despite major differences in model formulation and assumptions. {D}irection of change in system-level indicators was consistent for all models under the hake pressure scenario, although discrepancies emerged under the small-pelagic-fish scenario. {S}tudying biomass response of individual model groups was key to understanding more integrated system-level metrics. {A}ll three models are based on existing knowledge of the system, and the convergence of model results increases confidence in the robustness of the model outputs. {P}oints of divergence in the model results suggest important areas of future study. {T}he use of feeding guilds to provide indicators for fish species at an aggregated level was explored, and proved to be an interesting alternative to aggregation by trophic level.}, keywords = {ecosystem-based fisheries management ; indicators ; model comparison ; {AFRIQUE} {DU} {SUD} ; {BENGUELA} {COURANT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}frican {J}ournal of {M}arine {S}cience}, volume = {37}, numero = {1}, pages = {65--78}, ISSN = {1814-232{X}}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.2989/1814232x.2015.1013501}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064205}, }