@article{fdi:010064194, title = {{W}hole genome sequencing of elite rice cultivars as a comprehensive information resource for marker assisted selection}, author = {{D}uitama, {J}. and {S}ilva, {A}. and {S}anabria, {Y}. and {C}ruz, {D}. {F}. and {Q}uintero, {C}. and {B}allen, {C}. and {L}orieux, {M}athias and {S}cheffler, {B}. and {F}armer, {A}. and {T}orres, {E}. and {O}ard, {J}. and {T}ohme, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}urrent advances in sequencing technologies and bioinformatics revealed the genomic background of rice, a staple food for the poor people, and provided the basis to develop large genomic variation databases for thousands of cultivars. {P}roper analysis of this massive resource is expected to give novel insights into the structure, function, and evolution of the rice genome, and to aid the development of rice varieties through marker assisted selection or genomic selection. {I}n this work we present sequencing and bioinformatics analyses of 104 rice varieties belonging to the major subspecies of {O}ryza sativa. {W}e identified repetitive elements and recurrent copy number variation covering about 200 {M}bp of the rice genome. {G}enotyping of over 18 million polymorphic locations within {O}. sativa allowed us to reconstruct the individual haplotype patterns shaping the genomic background of elite varieties used by farmers throughout the {A}mericas. {B}ased on a reconstruction of the alleles for the gene {GBSSI}, we could identify novel genetic markers for selection of varieties with high amylose content. {W}e expect that both the analysis methods and the genomic information described here would be of great use for the rice research community and for other groups carrying on similar sequencing efforts in other crops.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {O}ne}, volume = {10}, numero = {4}, pages = {e0124617 [20 p.]}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0124617}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064194}, }