@article{fdi:010064176, title = {{O}rigin of recharge and salinity and their role on management issues of a large alluvial aquifer system in the semi-arid {H}aouz plain, {M}orocco}, author = {{B}oukhari, {K}. and {F}akir, {Y}. and {S}tigter, {T}. {Y}. and {H}ajhouji, {Y}. and {B}oulet, {G}illes}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he present study has analyzed the origin of recharge and groundwater salinity in the {H}aouz alluvial plain, located in {C}entral {M}orocco. {S}table isotopic data ({O}-18, {H}-2) indicate that the recharge of the alluvial aquifer is dominated by high-altitude meteoric water originating from the {H}igh-{A}tlas {M}ountains that border the plain to the south. {T}ritium globally indicates the presence of recent groundwater, as well as mixing between old and recent groundwater. {A}lluvial groundwater salinity varies from east to west. {T}his variability is mainly induced by enrichment in chloride and sulfate salt contents. {S}trontium content reveals that sulfate could be related, respectively, to the influence of the {S}enonian carbonate deposits containing gypsum. {D}issolution of halite is revealed by the plot of {O}-18 vs {C}l, where the most saline samples do not show any changes in {O}-18. {B}r/{C}l ratio varies in a wide range, probably due to an orographic effect. {T}he nitrate distribution was analyzed using indicator-geostatistical techniques resulting in probability maps. {N}itrate contamination is shown to occur particularly in the eastern part of the {H}aouz plain. {I}n this paper, some aspects of groundwater resources management are addressed. {D}ifferent management actions are identified with regard to the current water resources status and to the land and water uses. {I}n this framework controlling groundwater abstraction, optimizing irrigation and enhancing mountain-front recharge constitute the major key management actions that should be carried out.}, keywords = {{G}roundwater ; {S}alinization ; {N}itrates ; {I}sotopes ; {A}lluvial plain ; {H}igh-{A}tlas {M}ountains ; {MAROC} ; {ZONE} {ARIDE} ; {ZONE} {SEMIARIDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {E}arth {S}ciences}, volume = {73}, numero = {10}, pages = {6195--6212}, ISSN = {1866-6280}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s12665-014-3844-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064176}, }