@article{fdi:010064168, title = {{O}vergrowth and killing of corals by the brown alga {L}obophora hederacea ({D}ictyotales, {P}haeophyceae) on healthy reefs in {N}ew {C}aledonia : a new case of the epizoism syndrome}, author = {{V}ieira, {C}. and {P}ayri, {C}laude and {D}e {C}lerck, {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}oral reef degradation is often associated with regime shifts from coral- to macroalgal-dominated reefs. {T}hese shifts demonstrate that under certain conditions (e.g. coral mortality, decrease in herbivory, increased nutrients supply) some macroalgae may overgrow corals. {T}he outcome of the competition is dependent on algal aggressiveness and the coral susceptibility. {I}n undisturbed reefs, herbivore grazing is regulating macroalgal cover, thus preventing the latter from overgrowing corals. {H}owever, some macroalgae have evolved strategies not only to outcompete corals but also to escape herbivory to some extent, allowing overgrowth of some coral species in undisturbed reefs. {E}pizoism represents one of those successful strategies, and has been previously documented with red algae, cyanobacteria and {L}obophora variegata ({D}ictyotales, {P}haeophyceae). {H}ere we report a new case of epizoism leading to coral mortality, involving a recently described species of {L}obophora, {L}.hederacea, overgrowing the coral {S}eriatopora caliendrum ({P}ocilloporidae) in undisturbed reefs in {N}ew {C}aledonia.}, keywords = {coral killer ; macroalgal-coral competition ; {S}eriatopora ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE} ; {PACIFIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}hycological {R}esearch}, volume = {63}, numero = {2}, pages = {152--153}, ISSN = {1322-0829}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1111/pre.12082}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064168}, }