@article{fdi:010064162, title = {{C}ryopreservation of persimmon shoot tips from dormant buds using the {D} cryo-plate technique}, author = {{M}atsumoto, {T}. and {Y}amamoto, {S}. and {F}ukui, {K}. and {R}afique, {T}. and {E}ngelmann, {F}lorent and {N}iino, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ryopreservation has become a very important tool for the long-term storage of plant germplasm. {A} new cryopreservation protocol based on air dehydration of explants placed on aluminum cryo-plates, termed the {D} cryo-plate technique, was developed. {I}n this study, the most suitable conditions of cryopreservation for dormant shoot tips of {J}apanese persimmon ({D}iospyros kaki {T}hunb. '{S}aijo') using the {D} cryo-plate technique were investigated. {D}ormant one-year-old shoots of persimmon were collected from the experimental farm of {S}himane {U}niversity in {J}anuary 2013 and stored at 2 degrees {C} until use. {A}fter surface sterilization, shoot tips of about 1 mm in size were dissected from the dormant buds and precultured overnight at 25 degrees {C} on solidified 1/2{MS} medium containing 0.3 {M} sucrose. {P}recultured shoot tips were placed on aluminum cryo-plates and embedded in calcium alginate gel. {O}smoprotection of shoot tips was performed by immersing the cryo-plates for 30 min at 25 degrees {C} in an {LS} solution containing 2 {M} glycerol + 1.0 {M} sucrose in 1/2{MS} solution. {F}or the {D} cryo-plate technique, encapsulated shoot tips were dehydrated by placing the cryo-plates in the air current of a laminar flow cabinet for 30-90 min. {C}ooling was performed by placing the cryo-plates in uncapped cryotubes, which were immersed in liquid nitrogen. {F}or rewarming, the cryo-plates were immersed in 1/2{MS} medium containing 1.0 {M} sucrose for 20 min at 25 degrees {C}. {I}n this study, the preculture did not improve the regrowth after cryopreservation; however, we consider that it should be performed in the {D} cryo-plate procedure for application of other cultivars and utilization in genebanks. {A} high regrowth rate of cryopreserved shoot tips (84%) was achieved after dehydration for 30 min. {T}his optimized procedure was applied to 10 additional persimmon cultivars, resulting in regrowth rates ranging between 67 and 97%, with an average of 87%. {A}s shoot tips derived from dormant buds proved to be highly tolerant to liquid nitrogen exposure, the {D} cryoplate technique may facilitate long-term conservation of persimmon germplasm.}, keywords = {dormant shoot tips ; genebank ; kaki ; osmoprotection}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}orticulture {J}ournal}, volume = {84}, numero = {2}, pages = {106--110}, ISSN = {2189-0102}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.2503/hortj.{MI}-043}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064162}, }