@article{fdi:010064146, title = {{C}ryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of {C}linopodium odorum using aluminium cryo-plates}, author = {{S}ylvestre, {I}sabelle and {E}ngelmann, {F}lorent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this study, we applied the vitrification ({V}) cryo-plate protocol for cryopreservation of {C}linopodium odorum in vitro-derived shoot tips. {W}e studied the recovery of shoot tips after modification of various parameters of the {V} cryo-plate protocol, including sucrose concentration in the preconditioning medium, composition of the loading solution ({LS}) and vitrification solution ({VS}) and duration of treatment with {PVS}2 {VS}, which contained (w/v) 30% glycerol, 15% dimethylsulphoxide, 15% ethylene glycol and 13.7% sucrose. {W}e also compared the efficiency of the {V} cryo-plate protocol with the dehydration ({D}) cryo-plate protocol. {T}he optimal conditions determined for the {V} cryo-plate protocol included a 24-h preconditioning treatment on medium with 0.3 {M} sucrose; treatment for 20 min at room temperature with {LS} containing 2.0 {M} glycerol and 0.4 {M} sucrose; and dehydration with {PVS}2 for 60 min at 0{A} degrees {C}. {U}nder these conditions, 71.0% recovery of cryopreserved shoot tips was achieved. {O}nly 29.2% regeneration was noted with the {D} cryo-plate protocol.}, keywords = {{C}ryopreservation ; {C}linopodium odorum ; {S}hoot tips ; {V} cryo-plate ; {D} cryo-plate ; {ARGENTINE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}n {V}itro {C}ellular & {D}evelopmental {B}iology-{P}lant}, volume = {51}, numero = {2}, pages = {185--191}, ISSN = {1054-5476}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s11627-015-9668-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064146}, }