@article{fdi:010064081, title = {{T}he trophodynamics of marine top predators : current knowledge, recent advances and challenges}, author = {{Y}oung, {J}. {W}. and {H}unt, {B}. {P}. {V}. and {C}ook, {T}. {R}. and {L}lopiz, {J}. {K}. and {H}azen, {E}. {L}. and {P}ethybridge, {H}. {R}. and {C}eccarelli, {D}. and {L}orrain, {A}nne and {O}lson, {R}. {J}. and {A}llain, {V}. and {M}enk{\`e}s, {C}hristophe and {P}atterson, {T}. and {N}icol, {S}. and {L}ehodey, {P}. and {K}loser, {R}. {J}. and {A}rrizabalaga, {H}. and {C}hoy, {C}. {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e review present understanding of the spatial and temporal diet variability (trophodynamics) of a range of pelagic marine top predators, at both early and adult life history stages. {W}e begin with a review of methodologies used to advance our understanding of the trophodynamics of marine top predators, particularly in relation to climate change. {W}e then explore how these developments are informing our understanding of the major trophic groups in food webs leading to, and including, marine top predators. {W}e examine through specific examples how the impacts of ocean warming may affect pelagic food web relationships from both top-down and bottom-up perspectives. {W}e examine the potential, in the absence of long-term data sets, of using large-scale spatial studies to examine how potential changes in biological oceanography could impact the biomass and composition of prey species, particularly the role of phytoplankton size spectra. {W}e focus on examples from regions where biotic change with respect to climate change is likely. {I}n particular, we detail the effects of climate change on oceanographic and bathymetric "hotspots" and provide the example involving seabirds in the {B}enguela {C}urrent system. {W}e end by urging the development of international collaborations and databases to facilitate comprehensive ocean-scale understanding of climate impacts on marine top predators.}, keywords = {{T}op predators ; {T}rophodynamics ; {M}icronekton ; {B}ottom-up processes ; {H}otspots ; {C}limate change}, booktitle = {{I}mpacts of climate on marine top predators}, journal = {{D}eep-{S}ea {R}esearch {P}art {II} : {T}opical {S}tudies in {O}ceanography}, volume = {113}, numero = {{N}o sp{\'e}cial}, pages = {170--187}, ISSN = {0967-0645}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.dsr2.2014.05.015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064081}, }