@article{fdi:010064044, title = {{C}oherence between geodetic and seismic deformation in a context of slow tectonic activity ({SW} {A}lps, {F}rance)}, author = {{W}alpersdorf, {A}. and {S}ue, {C}. and {B}aize, {S}. and {C}otte, {N}. and {B}ascou, {P}. and {B}eauval, {C}{\'e}line and {C}ollard, {P}. and {D}aniel, {G}. and {D}yer, {H}. and {G}rasso, {J}. {R}. and {H}autecoeur, {O}. and {H}elmstetter, {A}. and {H}ok, {S}. and {L}anglais, {M}. and {M}enard, {G}. and {M}ousavi, {Z}. and {P}onton, {F}. and {R}izza, {M}. and {R}olland, {L}. and {S}ouami, {D}. and {T}hirard, {L}. and {V}audey, {P}. and {V}oisin, {C}hristophe and {M}artinod, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} dense, local network of 30 geodetic markers covering a 50 x 60 km(2) area in the southwestern {E}uropean {A}lps ({B}riancon region) has been temporarily surveyed in 1996, 2006 and 2011 by {GPS}. {T}he aim is to measure the current deformation in this seismically active area. {T}he study zone is characterized by a majority of extensional and dextral focal mechanisms, along north-south to {N}160 oriented faults. {T}he combined analysis of the three measurement campaigns over 15 years and up to 16 years of permanent {GPS} data from the {F}rench {RENAG} network now enables to assess horizontal velocities below 1 mm/year within the local network. {T}he long observation interval and the redundancy of the dense campaign network measurement help to constrain a significant local deformation pattern in the {B}riancon region, yielding an average {E}-{W} extension of 16 +/- 11 nanostrain/year. {W}e compare the geodetic deformation field to the seismic deformation rate cumulated over 37 years, and obtain good coherencies both in amplitude and direction. {M}oreover, the horizontal deformation localized in the {B}riancon region represents a major part of the {A}driatic-{E}uropean relative plate motion. {H}owever, the average uplift of the network in an extensional setting needs the presence of buoyancy forces in addition to plate tectonics.}, keywords = {{G}eodesy ; {GPS} ; {S}eismotectonics ; {C}rustal deformation ; {W}estern {A}lps ; {E}xtension ; {U}plift ; {FRANCE} ; {ALPES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eodynamics}, volume = {85}, numero = {}, pages = {58--65}, ISSN = {0264-3707}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jog.2015.02.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064044}, }